Microhard to Sonyboy? (warning: bandwidth am cry)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Thursday, February 21, 2013, 09:47 (4389 days ago) @ Beckx

I haven't seen anything that truly impressed me outside of Bungie's Destiny footage, and I'll get that regardless of where I go.

Don't be that guy.

(gifs from GAF gif thread)

I won't lie, they all look jaw droppingly gorgeous, but again, it's a new console generation. Don't we expect everything to look jaw droppingly gorgeous? That isn't enough to automatically make me want their console. Destiny impresses me because I know who's behind it, and I know at least a fraction about it. I know I can expect something wonderful. I know very little about all those other games up there (outside of Watch Dogs) other than how pretty they are.

I'm not trying to be a downer or a killjoy. I'm simply attempting to be a realist.

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