
PS4 Exclusives until Fall 2015, eh? (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Friday, June 20, 2014, 19:33 (3818 days ago) @ Malagate

So there's this.

A multiplayer map, gear, and weapons I can live with; but a strike being platform exclusive...well.

Wow. One whole strike?

How many do you think are in the whole game?

If someone's on the fence about which next-gen console to get, I can see how timed exclusives are an inducement. I can see why it's worth it for Sony to want them, and why Bungie/Activision might be willing to grant them (inroads with a new fanbase unfamiliar with their work-- a population that is not going to buy Destiny necessarily for any platform based only on name recognition).

The MS-riots level vitriol resulting from these exclusives, though, is disproportionate.

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