
Remote play (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Monday, June 16, 2014, 08:26 (3822 days ago) @ Zeouterlimits

Been looking forward to seeing how well remote play would work for a while.
Hopefully they can make it more viable for general play, I'd love to be able to play it in bed.

I'd say the main issue is it's not balanced for the Vita's controls. You can DO everything. It's just that the sticks are not as precise and relying on screen touching for melee and grenades is tough. I'm betting the next PS Vita is going to have all the standard "buttons" of today's consoles and it will be a monster to compete with.

And yes, I'm getting Destiny for XB1. I think the color bar on the controller changing based off of damage and your super is cool, but I never notice it when I'm actually playing. Otherwise, just getting it to play with my friends/dad (he was one of the chattier ones on my stream by the way if anyone was there).

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