
PS Exclusives Are Timed Only (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, June 12, 2014, 10:42 (3826 days ago) @ DaDerga

I hope this cuts down on the venting. I'm tired of feeling like somebody's grandpa, fighting off the urge to say that back in the day when I was just wee little Mac-using fella, Bungie cut us off completely! We were left out in the cold, and I had to walk to the Kmart in the snow uphill both ways to buy a console I didn't want, and did you hear us complaining? No!* We loved Bungie! We bought our Xboxes and we liked it!

Pass me the geritol, kid.

*in truth the complaining was pretty loud, but the disappointment was justified.

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