
Stand up, Sit down (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Thursday, June 12, 2014, 01:02 (3826 days ago) @ Xenos

Random question: can we sit during PvP? Can we fire our weapons while sitting? I know we would probably be sitting ducks, but I just became curious to know if we can.

You can absolutely sit during PvP, I witnessed in Halcylon's stream that while they were capturing a point one of his teammates sat down right next to the flag. I can't say for sure, but I am 99% you can't fire while sitting as the gun lowers, and I haven't witnessed anyone doing it.

Yup, all emotes work in the Crucible. Can't say it's always a good idea, though… While sitting, any action (other than hitting down on the D-pad) causes you to immediately stand up and pop into first-person view. Hitting down on the D-pad (normally "sit") while sitting causes you to do a nice stand-up animation, whereby you are returned to your first-person POV.

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