
You aren't helping Pete. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Saturday, June 07, 2014, 20:17 (3832 days ago) @ petetheduck

Sidenote: I know it’s an alpha, but I want to nitpick the H.U.D so much... they can still change things right? The inner designer in me is all STREAMLINE this and LEGIBILITY that. I can't hold it back... if I don't do this now I'm going to screen cap the leaked stuff (which I know I shouldn't do) and go into photoshop and make it "right", and post it here in hopes that top men see it. Top. Men. In fact… I might just do that anyway. I’m even doing this for free. I'm loving you all so HARD right now! Can you feel the power!? It’s Warm – like fresh baked cinnamon rolls.

The HUD is hard to read in some cases because of the background color (the game space), and frankly I don't think they made the best use of the screen real-estate. I'm not saying it’s bad... but the modder in me wants to mod it. In one of the clips a person was supposed to hold down an area (the “Warsat”), but it became very obvious (or at least seemed that way) that the person had no idea what the actual objective was. In the top left (about 10’O Clock) there is a timer, something about “Guardians Linked” and the Objective – “Defend the Warsat” which the player was in fact doing, but that wasn't the objective. Wait what? Yep. The game being played in this case is supposed to be more like capture the hill then slayer, as implied by the location sensitive (it appears only when you are in the right area) VERY VERY hard to read white text “Transmitting Warsat” and the time left to do so at 6’O Clock. It is hard to read because Old Russia has (I’m guessing here) snow on the ground. If you can’t communicate, then the ENTIRE REASON of having a HUD becomes moot.

At risk of ignorance, they could very easily make something of… I’m going to say minimalist style (and I reserve the right to be wrong)… use the area at 10’O Clock to give all this same data. In fact Ill even go so far as to say that 10'O Clock is Prime location for all the external player information that involves objective data (while 7'O Clock is more personal player information - sans health).This is serious business people. You might want to step back. :P


I want to poke at the stuff in the 1-4’O Clock range, but I have a feeling that most that stuff is purely for alpha related stuff. If I see this in the beta though... mmm hmmm. So in conclusion...We don't have duck eyes. Your Bias of Pete is becoming increasingly obvious Bungie.

Well... I'm glad I got that out.


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