
DBO Staff Karaoke Encouragement thread (DBO)

by Tex @, Monday, June 02, 2014, 20:29 (3916 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I have offered to take the DBO staff that are coming to E3 out to karaoke one night, and the idea was met with a bit of resistance.

Do you want to see Claude sing Duran Duran?

Do you want to see Duncan do the hammer dance during the instrumental?

Do you want to see ME rock some MIka?

Do you want to have the promise of Tex joining you for dinner only to find out that she had told Cody she wasn't going to go months ago and you were lied to so now you're stuck in LA with Cody Miller during the Stanley Cup Finals and can't hear a thing he's saying because everyone in LA/CA is suddenly watching hockey?

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