
I am slightly worried... (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Thursday, May 08, 2014, 19:38 (3861 days ago) @ Avateur

lol that thing where you call a statement about multiple posters completely untrue based on your own single individual post pre-H4. Word.

There's actually been quite a sum of posts complaining about the lack of campaign theater at HBO over the last year and a half, as well as posts full of hope when it was speculated as a patch, and then more sad remarks when it was confirmed it wasn't happening. :)

And I've mentioned personally numerous times that even if I had wanted to make a Halo 4 related comic, without a campaign theater for reference it wouldn't have happened, as it was vital to Fistful of Arrows' creation.

I'd love for it to be in Destiny, but I understand if they need to get their boots on the ground first and spend all their resources nailing the core game.

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