
Size of markets (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, May 08, 2014, 11:57 (3862 days ago) @ Xenos

These are great points about the next-gen consoles. I'm amazed how well both systems are selling compared to the numbers for the 7th generation launches.

I'm not amazed at the difference in the launches. Seventh gen was very long, and even the WiiU had a decently large launch (with overall very front-loaded sales).

Also, PS360 both had very rocky launch periods, for various reasons.

Also it bugs the hell out of me when articles say things like "Xbox One is floundering!" Really? 4 million plus sales in about 6 months is "floundering"?

Probably because XB1's sales haven't been anything special during 2014. Both XB1 and PS4 launched huge, but PS4 has continued to sell at an unusually good pace.

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