The Fallen speculation on Guardian Radio (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 22:39 (3862 days ago) @ petetheduck

Byf had some interesting thoughts regarding the Fallen in the latest episode of Guardian Radio. They're worth listening to (as is every episode), but the short version (ignoring the Myth connections) is the speculation that the Fallen were once the beneficiaries of the Traveler, as humanity was during its Golden Age.

The speculation is then that the Fallen had their own Golden Age, but the Traveler left them behind, leading to their fall. What was left of the Fallen have followed the Traveler to Earth, presumably to revive their race via regaining access the Traveler.

It's an interesting theory, especially how it parallels what humanity has gone through in Destiny. It fits what we know of the Fallen and explains their motivations.

Dunno about all that. I guess that would be cool, and would really help to explain why they're called the Fallen. It's nice when your enemies have a big story and universe they've lived in as well, and aren't just there for us to kill because they're bad and/or because they want us dead for seemingly no apparent reason.

Also find it weird how hardly anyone replies to awesome speculation topics, but nuanced game feature/marketing threads blow up. lol

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