I'm really curious... (Destiny)

by GrimBrotherIII, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 06:40 (3862 days ago) @ DeeJ

I guess it's all how you look at it.

Perhaps i am only feeling that way since i am rather new to the community...

That makes your feedback golden. Claude has known me since I was a Halo blogger with a dream about civility and sportsmanship, so he expects me to be polite. If you're new to the community, you have less context. I'll read my copy with your lack of context in mind. Condescending to people who want to know about our game is the very last thing I want to do. Thanks for being honest. You're my new favorite Grim.

[pats GB1 on the head in as condescending a fashion as possible]

Deej, Thanks so much for caring enough to stop by and drop a line to me, man! Please know that the tiny bit of frustration i experience in not being able to receive new information on some of the little stuff is only matched and perhaps outdone by my deep respect for you and the other folks at Bungie actually being able to stick to your Thunderlords by in fact keeping so much of the big stuff (story arc, secret locals, secret enemies, etc.) close to your chests. The mystery is exhilarating! And Claude has done a good job explaining the integrity of your intentions in all of your community feedback, so no worries.

Thanks again for dropping by to respond. Nothin but love here, bro!!!


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