How do the shields work? (Destiny)

by scarab @, Saturday, May 03, 2014, 10:59 (3866 days ago) @ RC
edited by scarab, Saturday, May 03, 2014, 11:13

Is there some way that the shielded city can be attacked?

How do the Traveller's shields work? What do they shield us from?

Maybe these are the things that the Traveller shields us from.

It can:

So air/space based attacks may be ruled out, as are quick raids via jump capable ships.

This may leave land based and amphibious attacks as a viable option for attackers.

Our enemies seem to be a rag tag collection of vagabonds. And except for the Cabal (who don't seem interested in Earth right now) they aren't set up for a large scale, land based or amphibious assault.

Nevertheless they could still do raids and lay siege to us.

This would give our Guardians something to do. And an increase in raids or increased raiding success would give us an incentive to patrol around the city and bring the fight to them. It's always best to have soldiers outside the walls to defend them and scouts to give advanced warning. (Though isn't that what satellites are for? ;-)

Air Defence Expansion Pack

It's hard to imagine any modern warfare being conducted without an air force. I know that Destiny will be a FPS but it would still be nice to have an expansion pack that let's us fly in the city's air force :-)

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