
Huh (Destiny)

by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Thursday, May 01, 2014, 07:31 (3868 days ago) @ Kermit

I think one reason for the lack of depth this week is the nature of the press demos. Journalists were obliged to write about what they experienced. There was less time to delve into philosophies, which is what many of us are interested in. We're more interested in whether the game is fun, but reading someone's take on that is less convincing. I think we all realize that the proof will be in the playing.

But it's up to Bungie / the marketing team to have the press demos not be insubstantial and result in coverage that shows why the game is so special.
There's still plenty of time for that, but this felt like it was going to be a bit more than it ended up being, so similar to the E3 demo [assuming I understand correctly that the trailer this week focused on that piece of content].

I don't know if I agree on your last few sentences either, there are some journalists who I do consider a good barometer of how I'd respond if I had a similar play time / scenario.

-- On a side note I wonder why Giant Bomb weren't invited / didn't go. Perhaps they felt burned by the underwhelming amount of content from their last trip up to Seattle for it, when it was largely a few theatre presentations (with little gameplay) and chats with a few developers. --

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