
Advanced forum search? (DBO)
Does DBO support (or will it ever support) the kind of advanced search HBO has? The interface there is a little clunky, but I always found it extremely useful to be able to search by user, subject, body, and date range, and still use it a few times per month to find years-old posts. Here, on the other hand, I can't even figure out a way to find my own posts.
Given that Destiny is a ten-year project, it would be nice to have a way to more precisely search what's sure to become an expansive and valuable archive of discussion.

I second this.
I'm pretty sure I have made more then 21 posts on DBO. O_o
Advanced forum search?
Does DBO support (or will it ever support) the kind of advanced search HBO has? The interface there is a little clunky, but I always found it extremely useful to be able to search by user, subject, body, and date range, and still use it a few times per month to find years-old posts. Here, on the other hand, I can't even figure out a way to find my own posts.
Given that Destiny is a ten-year project, it would be nice to have a way to more precisely search what's sure to become an expansive and valuable archive of discussion.
It's a possibility - but it'll need to be fan-built, most likely. :) (Just like HBO's was.)
DBO uses my little forum: http://mylittleforum.net/
We've already added a few small tweaks (youtube embeds come to mind), but I'd certainly be open to adding more. (I just noticed there's an update available; installing it is going to require figuring out what tweaks I've added first. :) )
Anyone who's interested can grab the source code from sourceforge, and mess around! If the additions are good, we'll be happy to include them here.
Okay, that was easy.
Sort of irrelevant, but the forum's been updated to 2.3.3. :)
(I haven't touched the search functions - apologies to anyone who got excited by the post subject.)

Dreams crushed
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Oh Claude, you tease.
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