
The City's location and its roots in the Halo Universe (Destiny)

by PackLeader89, Durham, NC, Friday, April 25, 2014, 11:38 (3874 days ago) @ Jordan117

Hey Jordan117,

This is a pretty sweet post and topic. I am a history nerd and I always enjoy when games and studios try to establish and create a good historical and setting foundation for their games. If what you are pointing out is true, and there is a good chance it is, then this game has a lot more thought and story development going into it than what we've seen so far. That's a really good thing.

I think it is a good sign that Bungie is sticking to what they do well and creating setting is crucial for this game to make it.

That being said, I am about to take a leap off into the abyss:
Is it possible that Bungie may be trying to indirectly tie this game to HALO? I know they can't do that because HALO belongs to Microsoft. However, they could subconsciously created a "far future" for the HALO universe through Destiny even if Bungie never (ever) admits that's what they are doing.

Just some crazy thoughts.

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