The Hook Hand doesn't narrow it down, but... (Destiny)

by Grimbrother XXXIX, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 18:37 (3847 days ago) @ GrimBrotherIII

Tell me this; Are We strong in the future? Did it ever get so bad that our Freedom Fighter rebellion had to take shape? Have we successfully overthrow the Bilderberg Group in thwarting the UN Globalist agenda and reestablish true Statehood Independence for all nations? What about the FPBICA? (The Free Peanut Butter Ice Cream Act, of course) Did that movement ever get legs?

Sadly nobody gets free peanut butter ice cream, but everybody now gets free medical care, free solar power, free higher education, free wireless internet everywhere, and a free throwback retro nintendo gamecube when you buy the new Nintendo Tesseract.

There was a second American civil war, which was pretty deadly, but paved the way for an overthrow of the previous effective oligarchy that ran the United States, leading to all the free stuff we now enjoy. The constitution was amended pretty heavily, and there are now 56 amendments to memorize in civics. A bunch of Grizzled ancient Bungie fans died during that war, including Randal Glass, Leviathan, and Bungie's #1 fan Mr. Chavez.

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