
On Cross-Platform Play (Gaming)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, April 07, 2014, 12:41 (3968 days ago) @ uberfoop

This makes the incorrect assumption that everyone who wants to play Destiny can afford a $400-$500 next-gen system

Maybe not quite. The assumption Cody seems to be making is that the presumably drop in overall player base would be worth the increased cohesion (for people who have multiple consoles, there'd be fewer variables in deciding amongst friends which version(s) to get, and it's probably true that Destiny would push a few PS4/XB1 if it wasn't coming out on the seventh-gen consoles).

I would say that the Sony/Microsoft split is the main cause for segregation, since they're actually on the same competitive tier, and many people pick one or the other.

I don't think the group of people who can afford a new system but aren't ever going to get one because the first Destiny is coming out on a console they already own is large enough for concern.

I think the group of people who can't afford a new system anytime soon is much larger, so Bungie would only be including them in the fun, and "not segregating them from others", since they simply wouldn't be there at all if that option wasn't there. Eventually in the future, these folks may be getting a new console and they'll migrate over to one of the next-gen populations.

But I am biased. I'm personally perfectly happy with splitting the population if it means I can actually play it on my 360, as a next-gen console is not possible for me in any near-future I can predict.

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