The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale (Off-Topic)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Sunday, March 30, 2014, 21:36 (3977 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f

The last episode of the season just aired.

What do you guys think? What do you think is coming next season?

Haven't watched it yet, but assuming it's as mediocre as the rest of this season, and last season, I'm not sure I care.

Walking Dead has it's moments, but by and large, I find it mind numbing to watch.

It's also kinda hard to care about zombies when Continuum is back and I can have sweet, insane, awesome time-traveling goodness (admittedly Continuum can fall flat sometimes as well, but at least it holds my attention). Oh, and SHIELD is back tomorrow. Maybe now they can finally finish the season without wandering off for a billion years.

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