
DBO’s Vex Problem (DBO)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Thursday, February 20, 2014, 10:52 (3779 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

So I waltz on in to DBO, eager for my daily helping of Destiny goodness, and what do I find? The daily stash gone and chronotron residue ALL OVER THE NEW CARPET! Oh! … and the SMELL!

So what’s next? Space Zombies in the bathroom? Fallen in the Conference room?

Reminds me of the Bailey School Kids books, hah.

This menace must be stopped at all costs,... after lunch. Oh! ... and after Nap time.
No potential Guardian should be without their nap time.

... And at risk of the obvious, who drew the sketch of the perp? Good thing that guy was in the right place at the right time outside the area of attack and that the perp posed right before possibly zipping way in the fabric of time.

…and one more thing…

Where is /Sekhmet/? Intel on Vex movements would have been useful.

In the initial attack, an explosion threw me out into the front lawn. As usual, I had a small sketchbook and pen in my pocket, and was able to record my experience as the Vex fled, leaving us in disarray. And yes, you're right, I was quite lucky that he stood perfectly still in front of me for about ten minutes.

V: "Here? Is that good?

L: "... A little to the left."

V: "Here?"

L: "Perfect! Now give me a little more... pizazz."

As for Sekhmet, he will have to answer for himself... Actually I'm not even sure the rest of DBO knows of the trouble yet. They usually won't leave the local Club Errerra out back, except for a few drunken, late-night posts here and there.

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