
Multiplayer (Off-Topic)

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 10:26 (4024 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Not only is your opinion wrong, but it's a bold claim coming from the guy who started the thread about how he's burned out on single player.

Lol where did I say that? Reading comprehension is a good thing to have dude.

I not only comprehended what you wrote, I super-comprehended it. It's obvious that you never wrote "I'm burned out on single player" exactly. But I know what you meant. I know what you're feeling.

Dude seriously. You clearly didn't understand a word of what I said. Please have the decency to either ask for clarification, or else just don't post.

I understood everything perfectly. Including this paragraph:

The last two steps completely ruin games, because you are essentially boiling down your actions, that will be repeated over and over until you nail the run, into a series of steps divorced from the normal decision making of play. So play Mario, and you are no longer playing the game, but executing the pre-planned script: run, jump here, run, jump here, go down this pipe. The game goes from being something you feedback with, to a series of exact moves which if not done correctly, demand a reset. As competition gets more fierce, this part gets worse and worse.

Part of the problem is you've spent all this time and effort twisting an inherently non-competitive activity (single player) into a vehicle for competition. If you had stuck to competing in activities designed for human-vs-human competition (i.e. multiplayer) you'd be in a different situation right now.

I'm trying to help you. Multiplayer is what you want. You've become burned out on playing single-player in the manner you used to, and you trace the cause to be the fault of "games." You make statements like this:

Getting good at a game is still very satisfying (that's when you hit the summit), so I think maybe the optimal way that I think folks should play games is somewhere between casual and hardcore. Get good at a game, then move to another.

But you're drawing this conclusion from a wholly single-player-focused experience and background, either unwilling or unable to draw a distinction between single- and multiplayer. Was BoxeR wrong for disregarding your advice and not moving on from Starcraft after simply getting "good" at it?

And I still don't understand why you keep bringing up this "muh REAL sports" non sequitur.

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