
DBOTV THREAD HIJACK: What activities could Destiny include? (Destiny)

by ncsuDuncan @, Sunday, February 02, 2014, 14:13 (3891 days ago) @ Xenos

Nice thread, Xenos. It would be a shame if somebody... STOLE IT.

Let's expand the subject:

Destiny supposedly has "an activity for every mood." What kind of activities do you think that includes?

What kind of Halo gametypes would you expect?
Campaign and Competitive multiplayer variants, obviously, but does that include Race? Infection? Forge? Theater? Something like Grifball?

How could these game modes be presented as in-universe activities in Destiny?
Should they be portrayed that way at all?

This is a subject I'll discuss with my dboTV guests on Tuesday, but I'd love to pull some quotes from the forum as well. The responses to last week's Friendly Fire thread were very helpful in that regard and gave us some great points to consider.

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