Thanks for the feedback guys. (Gaming)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Monday, January 20, 2014, 16:33 (3786 days ago) @ Leviathan

Ah, the problem is... my girlfriend won't let me play Wake when she's home, hah. She's still angry about the nightmares she had while I played Fallout 3 in another room as off-kilter 1920's songs and screams seeped into her subconscious! I'll have to be very strategic with my scheduling. :)

Solution: Headphones.

I can kinda relate. Mine wanted to play it, but as soon as she entered combat the first time she kinda freaked and decided she'd much rather watch than play. As such, I ended up playing the game for her.

I'm morbidly interested to see how she'd handle Dead Space.

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