
PS3 report (Gaming)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Thursday, January 16, 2014, 07:35 (3971 days ago) @ Kermit

I've borrowed JUST CAUSE 2 on a strong recommendation. The day I brought it home Xbox Live had it on sale for $7.50. Played the demo, and it's good, wacky sandbox fun, but that seems about all. The story? Meh.

I'm a huge fan of this game. I probably bring it up a little too much, TBH. And you're right, the story is pretty meh. The characters, while sometimes amusing, lack any depth at all. But JC2 never pretends to be good at either of those things. What it sets out to do is have a huge world, and it does that better than anything else I've played. It's been out for years now and I have yet to play anything where the world feels even half the size. The demo is a tiny fraction of one island. I will say this: learn to "fly" by deploying your parachute, and then using the grappling hook to pull yourself along the ground. Driving and flying planes/helicopters are great, but it's this mechanic that really gives you freedom of movement.

I've also borrowed ICO/SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS and a RATCHET AND KLANK game. Don't know if those are my thing, but my friend was very enthusiastic.

Ico is good. I'm partway through Shadow of the Colossus - it's one of those games that I don't play very often because I don't want to be done with it. Same thing happened to me with Oblivion, actually. I've only briefly played a Ratchet and Clank game once, but it was good fun. Reminded me of the sort of platformers that were big about a decade and a half ago.

Mind if I ask what your PSN handle is? I'm not on mine very often, but you never know.

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