
U.S. appeals court strikes down net neutrality. (Off-Topic)

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 12:20 (3808 days ago) @ stabbim

My parent's house is in a town where they made a deal with Comcast, so we can't even touch all the fiber that runs under our houses for Fios or whatever the fuck else.

I wanted to bring up a clip from New Girl where Brian Posehn talks about people who are anti-future, but the networks lock that down too.

"Wait, who's anti-future?"

"the amish, television companies, energy companies..."

P.S. had a conversation with some co-workers about how youtube always seemed to be the channel/resource that would solve the problem of referencing something in video and then instantly being able to cite it then and there. Oh well, guess I keep lugging my SNL box sets around and fast forward to the right moment. So convenient!

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