
Ghosts and Echoes - Episode 11 (Fan Creations)

by roland ⌂ @, Saturday, December 21, 2013, 15:44 (3801 days ago)

Just wanted to shamelessly self-promote the latest episode of Ghosts and Echoes (episode 11), which was released today.

Episode 11: www.astrumterra.com/files/Guardian_Radio_05_011.mp3

Ghosts and Echoes Series: www.astrumterra.com/thisisstrauss

Happy Holidays DBO!!!!

Oh, and before I go. Fun Mars fact... On New Years Eve at ~11:44pm Pacific it will be midnight on Mars at Gale Crater (where Curiosity is roving around) beginning Sol 500 (actually our 501st sol on Mars given we called landing day Sol 0). If you happen the find yourself with glass in hand at this time you might consider raising a toast to Curiosity.

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