On criticizing your favorite game company (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, December 06, 2013, 16:53 (4011 days ago) @ Xenos

I'm fine with it personally. I think that the only problem is that people that get jumped on for expressing their opinion about Bungie games forget a couple of things:

1. It's your opinion, state it like an opinion not a fact
2. When making conjecture based on statements by Bungie don't assume it'll be the best/worst thing you can think of based on a single statement. (assuming X=Y when Bungie only stated X)

1. If it's coming from you and it's your opinion, and you state your opinion with confidence (and it comes off factual), it's still clearly just your opinion. I can say outright that a game sucks. That's quite clearly my opinion, because you could come right back without mincing words declaring that the game is the best game of the year. Also, quite clearly, your opinion.
2. Totally agree with this (granted I'm sure I've been guilty it of it in the past :P).

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