Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me. (Gaming)

10min trailer. We are so back
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Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me.
How can this exist.
It's just too good.

Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me.
It's been a while since I've been this excited for a game. That all looks incredible. I'm going dark now, I'm done watching or reading anything about it.
Selling a super expensive collector's edition without a disc is fucking stupid, though, and I don't even particularly care about physical games.

Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me.
It's been a while since I've been this excited for a game. That all looks incredible. I'm going dark now, I'm done watching or reading anything about it.
Selling a super expensive collector's edition without a disc is fucking stupid, though, and I don't even particularly care about physical games.
I consider you a preservationist, so this surprises me.

Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me.
It's been a while since I've been this excited for a game. That all looks incredible. I'm going dark now, I'm done watching or reading anything about it.
Selling a super expensive collector's edition without a disc is fucking stupid, though, and I don't even particularly care about physical games.
I consider you a preservationist, so this surprises me.
Sadly, physical games don't mean shit anymore.
There's always a day one patch, so what's on the disc is never the game you can or want to play. What can I do with my Destiny and Des2ny discs? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except listen to the music on the main menu.

It's going to vary by game
There's always a day one patch, so what's on the disc is never the game you can or want to play. What can I do with my Destiny and Des2ny discs? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except listen to the music on the main menu.
It's true, always-online games don't have any way for you to preserve them via physical media, but that's just their nature. There are still a lot of other games (that don't ship broken on day one) that I can feel good about buying physical.
Also, I've been burned by digital purchases too many times; My preference now is to at least have a thing I can resell or gift if I don't like it.

Death Stranding 2 - Words fail me.
I consider you a preservationist, so this surprises me.
I just meant personally—I haven’t bought a physical game disc in like a decade, unless you count the PS5 Ratchet and Clank game, and that was only because it was in a bundle with the console that was basically the only way you could actually get a PS5 at the time.

It's going to vary by game
There's always a day one patch, so what's on the disc is never the game you can or want to play. What can I do with my Destiny and Des2ny discs? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except listen to the music on the main menu.
It's true, always-online games don't have any way for you to preserve them via physical media, but that's just their nature. There are still a lot of other games (that don't ship broken on day one) that I can feel good about buying physical.
Sure, but you can't play the latest patches that inevitably fix issues and add features. Nobody wants to play version 1.0.