
Turns out Marty is a bigger scumbag than we already knew... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, September 03, 2024, 16:27 (53 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Korny, Tuesday, September 03, 2024, 16:46


Let's assume it warranted firing, but no legal boundaries were crossed. Still, it's a shame.

Marty's love of using any Bungie-related situation to stroke his own superiority complex backfired when he looked to make the Barrett situation about himself.

Only for Lorraine Mclees to call him out.

Apparently being a creep and making woman uncomfortable at a party was his idea of a great gag, and Marty proceeded to call Lorraine's negative memory of the event a "Mandela effect."

What a loser.

It's sad to see that even the beloved Bungie of yesteryear was never really free of the creeps.

I dunno. I feel like we've reached a point of... maturity? Where we are realizing (as a society and as individuals) that so much of what we used to laugh and brush off should not have been allowed to happen unchallenged, since it contributed to normalization of unacceptable behaviors and it emboldened those who would take advantage of the power it gave them.

Feels bad, man.

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