
INSANEdrive Rant Time: Halo TV Show Edition (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, July 19, 2024, 16:52 (90 days ago) @ Korny

Well, THAT'S a shocker. /s

This keeps happening, and it's increasingly bewildering to me that it seems no one in charge of these things is learning a golly-gosh, darned, THING! Where... folks take an IP, and instead of building off the guardrails of what worked! A WORLD-BUILT, pre-built, all the hard stuff plucked from imagination both made and established. They take THE EASIEST FUCKING THING, and instead of just making the recipe and a DUMP TRUCK OF MONEY, these FUCKING IDIOTS with their FUCKWAD EGOS take a dump on the very threads THAT OBVIOUSLY FUCKING WORKED! 'Cause, if it didn't, THEY WOULDN'T HAD REASON TO BUY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! It's MINDLESS, BOONDOGGLE, IDIOCY!

It's like... buying a candy bar, CASH MONEY, THEN THROWING AWAY THE CANDY BAR! Oh, but sweet, at least we have the wrapper! That's CLEARLY what people want, NOT THE FUCKING CONTENT!

They just bend over and drop a bunch of gophers, LAWD!


...And LOOK!... Look! I know, I see that there are those of you here that saw some degree of merit in the attempts, minority that such observations be. And I think, should there be any hidden morsels of reason in this digital sea, that part of the reason for the internets ire is how, often, there is no building of trust. No or little proof in the care of the Intellectual Property espoused on the screen, enough so that some degree of momentum can build to allow tangential takes on whatever character, place, or event. Game of Thrones TV show is a decent example of this. Despite the degradation, there was allowed forgiveness (before the stumped end), as it was proven at start that there could be good works made with the content.

I've not watched it, but I hear good things about the Fallout TV Show. Apparently, they cared about the source material and folks liked that! WHAT-A BUNCH A WEIRDOS, M I RITE?! I mean, the nerve. Making a thing people liked, as a thing people liked... clearly a fluke. Would never work anywhere else.


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