Joe Blackburn to leave Bungie (Destiny)
Tyson will replace as game director.

Joe Blackburn to leave Bungie
Tyson will replace as game director.
Thank you for useing nitter.
I look forward to the stories that will come, some day.

Joe Blackburn to leave Bungie
In Cody's book, right?

Joe Blackburn to leave Bungie
In Cody's book, right?
Probably not. Nobody currently at Bungie is interested in having their story documented. It's mostly up until Des2ny.
Unless Bungie changes their minds.

But he still has to do Twitch stream #2!
They haven’t even released the multiplayer pack he promised. :(

Joe Blackburn to leave Bungie
Never heard of Blackburn, but cool to see Tyson Green getting a promotion. He stopped by HBO a little while ago and it was fun to chat with him. One of the few remaining Ancients.