
And therein lies the problem (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, December 03, 2023, 07:37 (435 days ago) @ ZackDark
edited by Cody Miller, Sunday, December 03, 2023, 07:41

There's no good solution to emulating a shared experience that involves the passage of time without being willing to accept that the content, like the passing of time itself, must be transient.

That can only really be implemented in free-to-play games. Remember when Mercury, Mars and the Tangled Shore got vaulted? They were paid content. Specific DLC people could only access if bought. And they're gone. There's a very good reason for people to hate this, even if there was a lore reason for them to be gone.

This sour taste directly clashes with the vision of a "shared, evolving world". As long as Destiny ties destinations and activities to paid DLC, it will never be totally free to evolve the world. Either that or they'll piss off a lot of people REALLY fast (again).

Hmmm. So hypothetically, if you had a game that was free to play, and all activities were freely accessible (and attainable, not locked behind technically-possible-but-only-reasonable-if-you-buy-a-booster grinds), and the things that you actually paid for were permanent, then you could actually do an evolving game with changing narrative stakes and situations?


(Pictured: Everyone else in the world except me)

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