
What's up with Iron Banner? (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, June 05, 2022, 13:57 (1010 days ago)

Look, I've been having a ton of fun so far this season, but Iron Banner has been the first thing to make me want to quit again already.

I think Rift is fine. It's not the most fun I've ever had, but it's fine and it's something different. Likewise, the new map isn't great, but it's okay. It's maybe a little telling that the most fun match I've had is one where both teams decided to just completely ignore the Rift for the 8 minutes and we all slayed out until overtime, but that's not my real issue with Iron Banner.

What is up with these Challenges? Why are they locking me into Solar or Void? I don't want to play Solar or Void. Why can't it just be Play Iron Banner matches? Who the goddamn fuck makes these decisions, and why are they like this? Seriously, Bungie, I'll give a hug if you needed it, but stop doing this dumb shit.

What's up with Iron Banner?

by Claude Errera @, Monday, June 06, 2022, 11:56 (1009 days ago) @ cheapLEY

What is up with these Challenges? Why are they locking me into Solar or Void? I don't want to play Solar or Void. Why can't it just be Play Iron Banner matches? Who the goddamn fuck makes these decisions, and why are they like this? Seriously, Bungie, I'll give a hug if you needed it, but stop doing this dumb shit.

Yeah, this is unreasonable. 18 games of Rift (per character) to earn the 4 pinnacles that IB has traditionally supplied, each session... that's fine. But 18 games that eliminate 2 of the 4 elemental options? That makes no real sense.

(I played a few games on my Warlock as a Stormcaller, and then was shocked to see zero progress on the challenges... that's when I read it more carefully. Pissed me off, actually.)


What's up with Iron Banner?

by cheapLEY @, Monday, June 06, 2022, 13:14 (1009 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I legitimately just want to know why. Like, they’re the new hot subclasses—I don’t think players need any more incentive to engage with them.

I desperately want to enjoy the game like I used to, and this season has given me some of that. But then these challenges happen and it’s like the game refuses to even meet me half way.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by squidnh3, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 08:04 (1008 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I legitimately just want to know why. Like, they’re the new hot subclasses—I don’t think players need any more incentive to engage with them.

I desperately want to enjoy the game like I used to, and this season has given me some of that. But then these challenges happen and it’s like the game refuses to even meet me half way.

I gotta say this comes across as a little overly critical. These are not the super-onerous challenges of old, like, "Get 3 Heavy kills in a match you also win" or "100 ability kills" right after they nerfed super regen. It's just "Play Iron Banner with our cool new subclasses!". I feel like they are meeting you well over halfway, I would say like 7/8 of the way. Anything less and it's "here's something for doing absolutely nothing".

Maybe I'm just biased from having a blast rocking Gunslinger w/ a good super again. I played 16 matches last night and popping my super and getting a triple kill with exploding Golden Gun shots to help the rift runner score wasn't getting old.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 10:59 (1008 days ago) @ squidnh3

I resent that a bit. I’m not doing nothing—I’m playing 18 games of Iron Banner. What does it matter which class I’m using to do it?

I would have probably happily played more than that, but the subclass restriction meant I stopped after the second challenge. I’m tired of being restricted in playstyle to get the benefit of Pinnacle drops. It’s fucking stupid. I don’t care what their legimate reasons are—there is nothing they could say that convinced me it’s a good idea.

I’m not as mad as I sound. I just switched back to my Stasis Hunter and wrote off those Pinnacles and had a good night, but it’s stupid that I had to make that choice.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 11:12 (1008 days ago) @ squidnh3

Maybe I'm just biased from having a blast rocking Gunslinger w/ a good super again. I played 16 matches last night and popping my super and getting a triple kill with exploding Golden Gun shots to help the rift runner score wasn't getting old.

As a former gunslinger myself, I can attest that this will indeed be forever awesome.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 14:10 (1008 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Maybe I'm just biased from having a blast rocking Gunslinger w/ a good super again. I played 16 matches last night and popping my super and getting a triple kill with exploding Golden Gun shots to help the rift runner score wasn't getting old.

As a former gunslinger myself, I can attest that this will indeed be forever awesome.

I think you left before the new goodness: as long as you're killing folks, you're getting your shots refunded, so now it's just a time limit.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 14:23 (1008 days ago) @ ZackDark

Maybe I'm just biased from having a blast rocking Gunslinger w/ a good super again. I played 16 matches last night and popping my super and getting a triple kill with exploding Golden Gun shots to help the rift runner score wasn't getting old.

As a former gunslinger myself, I can attest that this will indeed be forever awesome.

I think you left before the new goodness: as long as you're killing folks, you're getting your shots refunded, so now it's just a time limit.

I only ever got six shots man.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 21:00 (1008 days ago) @ cheapLEY

[cheapLEY] I legitimately just want to know why. Like, they’re the new hot subclasses—I don’t think players need any more incentive to engage with them.

I desperately want to enjoy the game like I used to, and this season has given me some of that. But then these challenges happen and it’s like the game refuses to even meet me half way.

[squidnh3] I gotta say this comes across as a little overly critical. These are not the super-onerous challenges of old, like, "Get 3 Heavy kills in a match you also win" or "100 ability kills" right after they nerfed super regen. It's just "Play Iron Banner with our cool new subclasses!". I feel like they are meeting you well over halfway, I would say like 7/8 of the way. Anything less and it's "here's something for doing absolutely nothing".

Maybe I'm just biased from having a blast rocking Gunslinger w/ a good super again. I played 16 matches last night and popping my super and getting a triple kill with exploding Golden Gun shots to help the rift runner score wasn't getting old.

[cheapLEY] I resent that a bit. I’m not doing nothing—I’m playing 18 games of Iron Banner. What does it matter which class I’m using to do it?

I would have probably happily played more than that, but the subclass restriction meant I stopped after the second challenge. I’m tired of being restricted in playstyle to get the benefit of Pinnacle drops. It’s fucking stupid. I don’t care what their legimate reasons are—there is nothing they could say that convinced me it’s a good idea.

I’m not as mad as I sound. I just switched back to my Stasis Hunter and wrote off those Pinnacles and had a good night, but it’s stupid that I had to make that choice.

Before I start this, a quick lore note. Based purely on posts alone, cheapLEY is the Witnesses #1 fan. ;D

Have to tip my hat to squidnh3 here, your take seems to be airing on the side of pretentious, or perhaps even say a touch toddlerish maybe. Might be too strong to say "get off your high horse", but... that's the air to the idea I get. The feeling of, the jest, so on so on. And I should also note, that the reason for this may be because of how you said it.

Anyway, now to declare an obvious; this game has objectives, as is true for... all games, I think it safe to say. In this game, broadly, roughly speaking, some of them have been burdensome and stupid, just as some of them still are in some variances of degrees, burdensome and stupid. We BOTH know this in agreement. Yet this? It's a... a really shallow pool you find yourself drowning in there cheap. And, I'm not feel'n it. I'm not feeling that urgency. It's hardly even a little onerous for the Game/Devs to be askin' that you play on a Void or Solar Subclass instead of something else while you play this, well... now last weeks Iron Banner. It's so stupid simple, I don't understand what behooves you to jump on here and declare, as you have here, a certain my way or the highway.

TL;DR - It sounds like a you problem in this case. I know how hard that hits on the internet, I feel it writing it. But cheapLEY, really. I'm sitting here, thinking about... ok, of the proposed problem, what would be the best solution. And the solution becomes a stolid one thing only; Play X# games, get Shiny loot thing. It's fuzzy, but I think we learned that lesson in Destiny 1. Cool at first, but got long on the tooth quick. Can't say "have none, pure anarchy, pure freedom" because then how does the program know when to give the goods? Like it or not, there are limits.

All said, I don't think it would be too much for Bungie to add an "OR" in the pinnacle goal, but then I suppose that would be asking for too much, yeah? OH HOW DARE THEY... so-on so-on so-on.


And, one more thing... from on madman to another, you're always as mad as you sound cheapLEY. ;D


What's up with Iron Banner?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 08:57 (1007 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by Kermit, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 09:32

Probably a spin on what you're saying is this:

Bounties exist in part to nudge people to try new things (instead of relying on their habitual ways of playing). This encourages discovery and appreciation (Bungie hopes) of the rich buffet they've offered. At times bounties might cut against strong personal preferences, prompting statements like "Who the goddamn fuck makes these decisions?" That could be a valid sentiment for bounties that are unreasonable or onerous. These don't strike me as such.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 10:08 (1007 days ago) @ Kermit

These don't strike me as such.

Literally every bounty in the game strikes me as such. Does Bungie really not have the confidence in their own design capabilities such that they think people won’t try the new stuff for its own sake? If that’s the case, it seems like they should abandon all pretense and just start making actual slot machines.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 12:33 (1007 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by Kermit, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 12:40

These don't strike me as such.

Literally every bounty in the game strikes me as such. Does Bungie really not have the confidence in their own design capabilities such that they think people won’t try the new stuff for its own sake? If that’s the case, it seems like they should abandon all pretense and just start making actual slot machines.

Speaking only for myself, I'm a creature of habit. I'll use the same loadout and setup forever out of laziness. Bounties have nudged to me find weapons of (nearly) every kind that I like to use, and at least experiment with the different abilities, classes, and activities. You're obviously a more inquisitive person who tries out everything in the game as a matter of course, you know what you like, and are certain in your judgments. If I were more like you, I guess this kind of thing would bother me more.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 13:35 (1007 days ago) @ Kermit

I can buy that, but surely they could find a middle ground.

Make the challenge “Play Iron Banner. Bonus progress if you’re using Solar or Void classes.” There, I fixed it. People are rewarded for playing with the new hotness, and I’m not screwed in the process.


What's up with Iron Banner?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 14:23 (1007 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I can buy that, but surely they could find a middle ground.

Make the challenge “Play Iron Banner. Bonus progress if you’re using Solar or Void classes.” There, I fixed it. People are rewarded for playing with the new hotness, and I’m not screwed in the process.

Are you sure wouldn't still feel "screwed" out of the bonus progress?


What's up with Iron Banner?

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 15:23 (1007 days ago) @ Kermit

I wouldn’t, no. Tons of challenges have had bonus progress. I do the bonus thing if it’s something I want to do, I ignore it if I don’t feel like making the concession. Nightfalls give bonus progress for higher difficulties. I do the highest matchmade tier if no one else is around.

Some people might, but that brings me back to questioning the restriction at all. We’re already participating by playing, why does it constantly have to be more than that?

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