
Should I Give A Listen? (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Thursday, March 03, 2022, 16:45 (1105 days ago)

So, the Witch Queen is out, and of course the assets to go with it. Word is buzzing (no pun intended) and reviews—for the most part—are stellar. I can’t help but wonder though, should I get the accompanying soundtrack? This will be the first time that I will have purchased a soundtrack for a Bungie game that I don’t plan to get. I’ve never done that before in my life, and I don’t know how to feel about that. Do I get the music, and run the risk of being tempted to drown back into FOMO addiction? Or do I shut myself out entirely, and block everything? I’ve actually been thinking about this for weeks, and surprisingly, I still can’t come to a decision. Any advice?

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