
Mind sharing? (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Thursday, February 24, 2022, 06:44 (976 days ago) @ Malagate

And don't forget the essential difference between Elemental Armaments and Ordnance is that a grenade kill spawns a well 100% of the time, while Armaments only gives an escalating chance at spawning a well. There's plenty to be said for either, but if you run an elemental primary, I feel like that gets you a lot more chances at spawning a well even though it isn't 100% of the time, because you have to be regenning grenades at a serious pace if you want to keep your Well perks proc'ed all the time.

I've been running Trinity Ghoul as my elemental primary, so that's why I went with Ordnance. Maybe I should try switching to Le Monarque, but the ad-clear with Ghoul is just so incredible (and of course it's nice to have another element for shield popping). I'm also running my Timelost Corrective Measure with Demolitionist, so that helps get those grenades back.

Edit: My Graviton Forfeit is stuck to my head, since I can spec Void Hunter to grant invis/truesight on ability kills. I've been pairing that a lot with Rat King (shocker) for obvious reasons, but with how handy the Glaive has turned out to be, I'm often carrying one or the other, with a long range primary.

I tried messing around with a Glave last night and I'm not sure I get it yet. The mechanics didn't seem intuitive to me.

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