
This Week at Bungie 4/22 (Destiny)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:56 (1421 days ago)

Lots of details on transmog. And of course the Bungie monkey's paw curled again.

Looks like it's a lot of bounty work to do it:

Before we get too deep, here’s a quick list of steps that players will take to convert their armor appearance into Universal Armor Ornaments: 

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament. 

You can only earn 10 armor item unlocks per class per season, except for next season where you can earn 20. So 2 sets of armor unlocked per class per season.


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:58 (1421 days ago) @ bluerunner

This week at Bungie, Ada-1 is prepping for Armor Synthesis.

So close, Bungie....you were so close to growing a brain cell.


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:16 (1421 days ago) @ bluerunner

Lots of details on transmog. And of course the Bungie monkey's paw curled again.

Looks like it's a lot of bounty work to do it:

Before we get too deep, here’s a quick list of steps that players will take to convert their armor appearance into Universal Armor Ornaments: 

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament. 

You can only earn 10 armor item unlocks per class per season, except for next season where you can earn 20. So 2 sets of armor unlocked per class per season.

Why must they over complicate everything!? All I want to do is look at my hunter and think to myself "That looks awesome." I've NEVER been able to say that during D2.

I feel like this is just taking the current shader model, ramping it up and multiplying it across all the armor. My stupid old mind can't comprehend all these steps and organizational tactics needed to look cool. JUST LET ME "PUSH 'A' TO EQUIP" AND COLOR IT ORANGE! THE END!


Speaking of shaders...

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 12:43 (1421 days ago) @ ManKitten

... I guess they thought their new upcoming shader system was too player friendly, so they’re jacking up the price of shaders that you buy from Eververse to something obscene like 750 bright dust (current price is 40 bright dust).

Speaking of shaders...

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:35 (1421 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

... I guess they thought their new upcoming shader system was too player friendly, so they’re jacking up the price of shaders that you buy from Eververse to something obscene like 750 bright dust (current price is 40 bright dust).

Well, 300, not 750 - and that's only for new shaders. Shaders you already own are now free to use (which is actually a nice discount over the current cost).

But yeah.


Speaking of shaders...

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:21 (1420 days ago) @ Claude Errera

... I guess they thought their new upcoming shader system was too player friendly, so they’re jacking up the price of shaders that you buy from Eververse to something obscene like 750 bright dust (current price is 40 bright dust).

Well, 300, not 750 - and that's only for new shaders. Shaders you already own are now free to use (which is actually a nice discount over the current cost).

But yeah.

It still costs 500 glimmer to apply the ones you own.

Speaking of shaders...

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:24 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

... I guess they thought their new upcoming shader system was too player friendly, so they’re jacking up the price of shaders that you buy from Eververse to something obscene like 750 bright dust (current price is 40 bright dust).

Well, 300, not 750 - and that's only for new shaders. Shaders you already own are now free to use (which is actually a nice discount over the current cost).

But yeah.

It still costs 500 glimmer to apply the ones you own.

Where are you getting that from?


Speaking of shaders...

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:28 (1420 days ago) @ Claude Errera

... I guess they thought their new upcoming shader system was too player friendly, so they’re jacking up the price of shaders that you buy from Eververse to something obscene like 750 bright dust (current price is 40 bright dust).

Well, 300, not 750 - and that's only for new shaders. Shaders you already own are now free to use (which is actually a nice discount over the current cost).

But yeah.

It still costs 500 glimmer to apply the ones you own.

Where are you getting that from?

Starting next Season, all unlocked shaders will be visible on the Guardian Appearance screen when hovering over the shader bucket. Players may apply shaders for 500 Glimmer per armor piece. Additionally, we’ve added the often requested “apply all” button for shaders, which will cost 2500 Glimmer total. This is the same Glimmer cost to purchase shaders right now, but we’ve done away with the Legendary Shards requirement.  

That's horse-pucky. :(

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 17:55 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

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This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:32 (1421 days ago) @ ManKitten

Lots of details on transmog. And of course the Bungie monkey's paw curled again.

Looks like it's a lot of bounty work to do it:

Before we get too deep, here’s a quick list of steps that players will take to convert their armor appearance into Universal Armor Ornaments: 

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament. 

You can only earn 10 armor item unlocks per class per season, except for next season where you can earn 20. So 2 sets of armor unlocked per class per season.

Why must they over complicate everything!? All I want to do is look at my hunter and think to myself "That looks awesome." I've NEVER been able to say that during D2.

I feel like this is just taking the current shader model, ramping it up and multiplying it across all the armor. My stupid old mind can't comprehend all these steps and organizational tactics needed to look cool. JUST LET ME "PUSH 'A' TO EQUIP" AND COLOR IT ORANGE! THE END!

The steps and three required conversions are actually comical. Like… are they going for parody here?



by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:35 (1421 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Lots of details on transmog. And of course the Bungie monkey's paw curled again.

Looks like it's a lot of bounty work to do it:

Before we get too deep, here’s a quick list of steps that players will take to convert their armor appearance into Universal Armor Ornaments: 

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament. 

You can only earn 10 armor item unlocks per class per season, except for next season where you can earn 20. So 2 sets of armor unlocked per class per season.

Why must they over complicate everything!? All I want to do is look at my hunter and think to myself "That looks awesome." I've NEVER been able to say that during D2.

I feel like this is just taking the current shader model, ramping it up and multiplying it across all the armor. My stupid old mind can't comprehend all these steps and organizational tactics needed to look cool. JUST LET ME "PUSH 'A' TO EQUIP" AND COLOR IT ORANGE! THE END!

The steps and three required conversions are actually comical. Like… are they going for parody here?




by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 17:25 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

The steps and three required conversions are actually comical. Like… are they going for parody here?


You hear time and time again how Bungie learned a lot from Blizzard's experience with Diablo 3… and then they don't use the dead simple transmog that is in that game.



by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, April 23, 2021, 07:12 (1420 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Synthstrand,synthcord,synthweave—dude, what???

To quote the extremely incompetent and equally hormone-driven Archer, "The only thing missing from that plan is a sign for free birdseed."


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 12:45 (1421 days ago) @ bluerunner

This new transmog system sounds beyond stupid. Like, real development time was spent on this junk. I just don’t get their decision making over there.

This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Oholiab @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 12:58 (1421 days ago) @ bluerunner

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.[/i] .

I was about to post these same lines from the TWAB.

I really enjoy playing Destiny 2. But this is a great example of why I keep it casual and don’t pursue the endgame (leveling up, grinding for perfect rolls, getting my armor just right both functionally and aesthetically). It just feels so tedious.

Just one opinion from a filthy casual.


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:34 (1421 days ago) @ Oholiab

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.[/i] .

I was about to post these same lines from the TWAB.

I really enjoy playing Destiny 2. But this is a great example of why I keep it casual and don’t pursue the endgame (leveling up, grinding for perfect rolls, getting my armor just right both functionally and aesthetically). It just feels so tedious.

Just one opinion from a filthy casual.

Heh. I play a lot and even I find this obtuse. Here's how I think it should be:

1. Purchase bounties from Ada (with Glimmer)
2. Complete bounties to earn Synthwave
3. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.

This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:36 (1421 days ago) @ breitzen

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.[/i] .

I was about to post these same lines from the TWAB.

I really enjoy playing Destiny 2. But this is a great example of why I keep it casual and don’t pursue the endgame (leveling up, grinding for perfect rolls, getting my armor just right both functionally and aesthetically). It just feels so tedious.

Just one opinion from a filthy casual.

Heh. I play a lot and even I find this obtuse. Here's how I think it should be:

1. Purchase bounties from Ada (with Glimmer)
2. Complete bounties to earn Synthwave
3. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.



This Week at Bungie 4/22

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:38 (1421 days ago) @ Claude Errera

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.[/i] .

I was about to post these same lines from the TWAB.

I really enjoy playing Destiny 2. But this is a great example of why I keep it casual and don’t pursue the endgame (leveling up, grinding for perfect rolls, getting my armor just right both functionally and aesthetically). It just feels so tedious.

Just one opinion from a filthy casual.

Heh. I play a lot and even I find this obtuse. Here's how I think it should be:

1. Purchase bounties from Ada (with Glimmer)
2. Complete bounties to earn Synthwave
3. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.


Looks at the bottom of the front page...


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:57 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

1. Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand. 

2. Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord. 

3. Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave. 

4. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.[/i] .

I was about to post these same lines from the TWAB.

I really enjoy playing Destiny 2. But this is a great example of why I keep it casual and don’t pursue the endgame (leveling up, grinding for perfect rolls, getting my armor just right both functionally and aesthetically). It just feels so tedious.

Just one opinion from a filthy casual.

Heh. I play a lot and even I find this obtuse. Here's how I think it should be:

1. Purchase bounties from Ada (with Glimmer)
2. Complete bounties to earn Synthwave
3. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.


Looks at the bottom of the front page...

I know you think that was a clever rebuttal breitzen, but of course you've opened yourself to the classic blunder which is numbered thusly;

1. Never get involved to a land war in Asia.
2. Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
3. What front page? <- You are here.


Then I'm right where I want to be! (winking emoji)

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:02 (1420 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

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7 Steps to Synthesis

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:59 (1420 days ago) @ Claude Errera

1. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest From Ada
2. Harvest 50 silkworms in the EDZ
3. Give silkworms to Ana on Mars for Rasputin to manufacture
4. Watch 140 hours of fashion videos on YouTube
5. Visit Ana and retrieve 10 silkworm thread
6a. Give silkworm thread to Ada for synthstrand
6b. Give synthstrand back to Ada for bounties
6c. Complete bounties to get snythweave
6d. Go flawless in trials and present snythweave to Osiris
6e. Use the time-machine thing on Mercury to visit the past and stop any of this from happening
7. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest from Ada


ROFL. Oof. Owy. This is too real. Stop.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:03 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

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by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:26 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

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PLEASE Don't Give Them More Ideas!!!

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, April 23, 2021, 07:13 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

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7 Steps to Synthesis

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, April 23, 2021, 10:45 (1420 days ago) @ breitzen

1. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest From Ada
2. Harvest 50 silkworms in the EDZ
3. Give silkworms to Ana on Mars for Rasputin to manufacture
4. Watch 140 hours of fashion videos on YouTube
5. Visit Ana and retrieve 10 silkworm thread
6a. Give silkworm thread to Ada for synthstrand
6b. Give synthstrand back to Ada for bounties
6c. Complete bounties to get snythweave
6d. Go flawless in trials and present snythweave to Osiris
6e. Use the time-machine thing on Mercury to visit the past and stop any of this from happening
7. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest from Ada

Why not just beat Riven and wish for the universal ornament geez


7 Steps to Synthesis

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, April 23, 2021, 11:41 (1420 days ago) @ Cody Miller

1. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest From Ada
2. Harvest 50 silkworms in the EDZ
3. Give silkworms to Ana on Mars for Rasputin to manufacture
4. Watch 140 hours of fashion videos on YouTube
5. Visit Ana and retrieve 10 silkworm thread
6a. Give silkworm thread to Ada for synthstrand
6b. Give synthstrand back to Ada for bounties
6c. Complete bounties to get snythweave
6d. Go flawless in trials and present snythweave to Osiris
6e. Use the time-machine thing on Mercury to visit the past and stop any of this from happening
7. Aquire the "Dresstiny" Quest from Ada

Why not just beat Riven and wish for the universal ornament geez



Cody's found the 15th Wish

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, April 23, 2021, 13:29 (1420 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 17:28 (1420 days ago) @ Claude Errera


In Diablo 3 do you know how you transmog?

1. Obtain item with look you want.
2. Obtain item whose appearance you want to change.
3. Pay gold

No bullshit. No hoops. No caps.
Anything more than that is kinda ridiculous, no?


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 18:12 (1420 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Division 2 makes it even easier. You don’t have to pay anything. As long as you have obtained the item, you can use it’s model on your character.


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, April 23, 2021, 02:53 (1420 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Division 2 makes it even easier. You don’t have to pay anything. As long as you have obtained the item, you can use it’s model on your character.

Assassins Creed Odyssey is the same. No cost or barrier at all.

This Week at Bungie 4/22

by Oholiab @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:40 (1421 days ago) @ breitzen

Heh. I play a lot and even I find this obtuse. Here's how I think it should be:

1. Purchase bounties from Ada (with Glimmer)
2. Complete bounties to earn Synthwave
3. Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.



Transmog Requrements; As Exspected.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:55 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

As expected? Yep.

We will be adding a Transmogrification feature to Destiny 2.

  • This will allow players to turn their Armor into Universal Ornaments.
  • We plan to allow players to do this with in-game effort OR Silver.
  • This feature is in early development and is expected sometime during Year 4.

That is quoted from a TWAB dated last year, in the 7th of May. (Here is the DBO vers.)

So, in short, it seems it may be more of an investment then we realize, should it pan out as is implied here. And yes, there are folks who are wondering why this wouldn't just be free/part of the game?

Well. Bungie did exactly as it said it was going to do. Even then, this is as expected, right? Nothing is free in this game, sans perhaps playing it. But that's how it works right? The first step is always free. Reading this weeks TWAB details on how all this Transmog ( A.K.A Armor Synthesis) stuff is to come to together for me is totally expected. Except for one thing.

Limitations? And no, I'm not talking about exotics or the year one stuff that doesn't work with the system yet, nor the 2018 and 2019 Solstice of Heroes glows that by far are some of the most grievous snake oil Bungie has yet (should it) to correct. By and large I expected that for various reasons in each.

No it's...

How many of these can you earn?
Players may earn up to ten Synthweave per class, per Season. Except in Season of [REDACTED]...

To celebrate the introduction of Armor Synthesis, in Season of [REDACTED], players may earn ten additional Synthweave per class through the introductory experience. In total, during Season of [REDACTED] players may earn up to 20 Synthweave per class, which can either be used to convert four full sets to ornaments, or 20 specific items.

As a quick example for the Hunters out there, that could mean you unlock four armor pieces, plus sixteen individual cloaks to swap between depending on your mood.

So... is that per character? Or Total? Until clarified other wise, I'm going with total, which is crap. If you roll one character, than "fine", but three? This is crap. Ignoring the one time 20 deal, 10 total rolls for 3 characters is nothing. It really does bring me to amazement, but for all the wrong reasons. Who are the fucking designers in charge of this shit? I want to hear the justification. Honestly that's true for a number of things, but hey, no doubt these folks think Rube Goldberg was a world class designer. I'd imagine to get any answer out of them would require over a year of planning to create the contraption just for it to spell out; "I can't believe I get payed for this shit either." Gee thanks for the deep dive!

J.I.C; Oh it's 10 per character? Still shit, but at least there is less constipation.
#SilverLining #Rainbows #Unicorns #¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well, at least the bounties as described seem no different then existing ones, so I'll just add them to the stack.


"Per Class"

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 20:25 (1420 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

So... is that per character? Or Total?


So there I was, re-reading the TWAB as I figure out what armor pieces I want to Transmog, running around in game to get an idea of the loop when I get to the segment I quoted from my post before.

How many of these can you earn?
Players may earn up to ten Synthweave per class, per Season. Except in Season of [REDACTED]...

earn up to ten Synthweave per class, per Season. Except in ...

ten Synthweave per class, per Season.

per class

...And I'm all...


Gosh darn it brain! I'm THIS close to gettin' the Q-TIPS. I'll DO IT! YOU KNOW I WILL! YOU'RE ME AND I'M YOU...er... anyway. The gosh darn'd answer was even in the blasted QUOTE that I re-read multiple times as I composed my post to make sure that my words were in-fact fully legible sentences! GAAA!

So there is the answer.

J.I.C; Oh it's 10 per character? Still shit, but at least there is less constipation.
#SilverLining #Rainbows #Unicorns #¯\_(ツ)_/¯

shit. lol.


This Week at Bungie 4/22

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 16:21 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

I think it’s overly complicated so they can adjust drop rates. Like, I guarantee you’re not going to get 150 Synthfuckits for 150 kills. They can adjust that rate, which they wouldn’t be able to do if you just bought bounties with glimmer. So they can determine the acquisition rate of Ornaments by adjusting drop rates of the initial currency from kills.

But then the number of Ornaments you can get is limited per season anyway, so who gives a shit?

This all seems aggressively stupid, but it’s on par with just about everything they’ve ever implemented, so I’m not sure why anyone is surprised.


Using That Term From Now On lol

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, April 23, 2021, 07:15 (1420 days ago) @ cheapLEY

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I really just thought it would cost bright dust.

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 16:41 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

Maybe the Season pass will come with a bunch of the new whatever.


What are you smoking?

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 18:22 (1420 days ago) @ Vortech

Can I have some?


What are you smoking?

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, April 23, 2021, 16:24 (1419 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Well, bright dust or silver, if that makes me less naive.


I'll just leave this spear here....[jabs]

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, April 22, 2021, 18:57 (1420 days ago) @ bluerunner

September 6, 2016 - Destiny 2 released
October 13, 2017 - Bungie stopped caring
December 5, 2017 - Curse of Osiris released


Goods and Services (CANCELLED) IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Designing and developing computer game software and video game software for use with computers, video game program systems and computer networks. FIRST USE: 20101220. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20101220
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 77749483
Filing Date June 1, 2009
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition October 13, 2009
Registration Number 3929262
Registration Date March 8, 2011
Attorney of Record Jim Charne
Live/Dead Indicator: DEAD
Cancellation Date October 13, 2017


I'll just leave this spear here....[jabs]

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 20:33 (1420 days ago) @ ManKitten
edited by Kermit, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 20:37



...reckon I'm a jerk.

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 06:21 (1401 days ago) @ ManKitten

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 07:33 (1401 days ago) @ ManKitten

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 08:13 (1401 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.

Bungie is just making sure you really think about your fashion choices. When too much freedom is given... well I remember you walking around with this cape.


In fact, maybe we're all being punished because of you.

...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 09:41 (1401 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.

Bungie is just making sure you really think about your fashion choices. When too much freedom is given... well I remember you walking around with this cape.


In fact, maybe we're all being punished because of you.

You're just jealous of my moth covering.


checks out.

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 09:41 (1401 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

- No text -


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 18:28 (1400 days ago) @ Claude Errera
edited by Korny, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 18:35

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.

Because it turns out that it’s time-gated. You can only earn up to one strand every two minutes at peak efficiency. It’s a minimum five hour grind for enough to get a single bounty (assuming you’re killing enemies non-stop for those five hours). Twenty-five hours minimum for one set, and 150 hours per season to get your free batches.

And that’s without taking the bounties into account. Mine is currently “Kill 40 Nightfall champions”... time to mindlessly reset checkpoints!


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 18:53 (1400 days ago) @ Korny
edited by cheapLEY, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 18:56

I hope whoever designed this shit gets hit by a bus.

Edit: That’s mostly in jest. I think. Maybe.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:57 (1400 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I hope whoever designed this shit gets hit by a bus.

Edit: That’s mostly in jest. I think. Maybe.

Even with the edit, gotta say, feels a little strong for the "crime".

...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 21:52 (1400 days ago) @ Korny

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.

Because it turns out that it’s time-gated. You can only earn up to one strand every two minutes at peak efficiency. It’s a minimum five hour grind for enough to get a single bounty (assuming you’re killing enemies non-stop for those five hours). Twenty-five hours minimum for one set, and 150 hours per season to get your free batches.

I noticed that the bounties that you pick up to earn your translator cost 150 synthstrand, but refund you 100 of those when you turn it in. So they're actually much less expensive than they first seem.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 12:28 (1400 days ago) @ Korny

Well, I feel pretty stupid now after seeing how the transmog system works. Once you unlock a piece of armor, all you have to do is 'press X' to wear it. (with minimal resource cost) and all my ornaments are still available.

All the rigamarole involves unlocking new pieces of armor to wear. It still seems like a step too many to do so...but...it's not that bad.


It's definitely too many steps, and it's SUPER limited (10 pieces, max, per character, per season, with an extra 10 this season only). Those are legitimate reasons to gripe.

It's also insanely intensive. I played 7 gambit games last night, and earned 71 synthstrand bits. You need 150 for each of those 20 armor pieces (per character). That's a LOT of playing.

Because it turns out that it’s time-gated. You can only earn up to one strand every two minutes at peak efficiency. It’s a minimum five hour grind for enough to get a single bounty (assuming you’re killing enemies non-stop for those five hours). Twenty-five hours minimum for one set, and 150 hours per season to get your free batches.

And that’s without taking the bounties into account. Mine is currently “Kill 40 Nightfall champions”... time to mindlessly reset checkpoints!

I would honestly, with no judgement or anything because I just want to learn, hear and understand the reasoning behind why they are doing it this way. From the outside, it looks like a system so far outside of what is fun I'm baffled because there are sensible alternatives. But there has to be a reason.

I just want to know it.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 13:06 (1400 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I would honestly, with no judgement or anything because I just want to learn, hear and understand the reasoning behind why they are doing it this way. From the outside, it looks like a system so far outside of what is fun I'm baffled because there are sensible alternatives. But there has to be a reason.

I just want to know it.

It’s because you can just pay real money to skip all of that. I mean, really. There’s no other legitimate reason they don’t just let you click the button to do it like literally every other game that has a transmog system.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 13:47 (1399 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 13:55

I would honestly, with no judgement or anything because I just want to learn, hear and understand the reasoning behind why they are doing it this way. From the outside, it looks like a system so far outside of what is fun I'm baffled because there are sensible alternatives. But there has to be a reason.

I just want to know it.

It’s because you can just pay real money to skip all of that. I mean, really. There’s no other legitimate reason they don’t just let you click the button to do it like literally every other game that has a transmog system.

It's really sad. After seeing many of the developers that I always admired and enjoyed one by one crossing the line, I'd hoped Bungie wasn't going to be one of them. There's no hoping anymore. The fact that I haven't logged in for over 2 years speaks for itself.

I'm being serious. It's tremendously disheartening to see so much of this medium transform into something truly vile when you know it has so much creative promise.

I wish critics would do their jobs. I remember Total Biscuit defending loot boxes in Overwatch before he died by saying "I have more money than time" (He was dying from cancer), "So the system that lets me pay money to save time is worth it for me."

But it never occurred to him to simply wonder why the game wasted his time in the first place. He, and many other critics who lack even the most basic semblance of insightful thought, fail to see that this is the equivalent of purposefully introducing a problem, then asking for money to fix it. Don't design the problem into your game in the first place.

I cannot believe it's 2021 and you even have to tell a game developer to design in good faith for maximum fun (or some other type of meaningful positive experience).


Nice Things.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 15:29 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I would honestly, with no judgement or anything because I just want to learn, hear and understand the reasoning behind why they are doing it this way. From the outside, it looks like a system so far outside of what is fun I'm baffled because there are sensible alternatives. But there has to be a reason.

I just want to know it.

It’s because you can just pay real money to skip all of that. I mean, really. There’s no other legitimate reason they don’t just let you click the button to do it like literally every other game that has a transmog system.

It's really sad. After seeing many of the developers that I always admired and enjoyed one by one crossing the line, I'd hoped Bungie wasn't going to be one of them. There's no hoping anymore. The fact that I haven't logged in for over 2 years speaks for itself.

I'm being serious. It's tremendously disheartening to see so much of this medium transform into something truly vile when you know it has so much creative promise.

I wish critics would do their jobs. I remember Total Biscuit defending loot boxes in Overwatch before he died by saying "I have more money than time" (He was dying from cancer), "So the system that lets me pay money to save time is worth it for me."

But it never occurred to him to simply wonder why the game wasted his time in the first place. He, and many other critics who lack even the most basic semblance of insightful thought, fail to see that this is the equivalent of purposefully introducing a problem, then asking for money to fix it. Don't design the problem into your game in the first place.

I cannot believe it's 2021 and you even have to tell a game developer to design in good faith for maximum fun (or some other type of meaningful positive experience).


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by squidnh3, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 14:03 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Because it turns out that it’s time-gated. You can only earn up to one strand every two minutes at peak efficiency. It’s a minimum five hour grind for enough to get a single bounty (assuming you’re killing enemies non-stop for those five hours). Twenty-five hours minimum for one set, and 150 hours per season to get your free batches.

I would honestly, with no judgement or anything because I just want to learn, hear and understand the reasoning behind why they are doing it this way. From the outside, it looks like a system so far outside of what is fun I'm baffled because there are sensible alternatives. But there has to be a reason.

I just want to know it.

There actually 2 answers to your question. The first is, why aren't armors just unlocked as ornaments when you get a version of them? The answer to that is they want to have a way to make money off it it, that's quite obvious. The second is, given the system they've implemented to make money, why is it specifically set up the way it is where you get a strand every 2 minutes almost no matter what you are doing. The answer that is to avoid "farms" where people feel obligated to play differently to earn the most strand. Right now just playing normally gets you the most possible strand you can get.

So, on one hand, they've "compromised" the game, but on the other hand, they've tried to prevent it from being "compromised". I've previously said something like the people left playing Destiny are the most pragmatic in the community - we recognize the issues with the game, but enjoy the high points so much we are willing to deal with the issues. It's not super surprising that the people making Destiny are in a similar spot, but it would sure make this all a lot more palatable if they would just admit it.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 15:43 (1399 days ago) @ squidnh3

The answer that is to avoid "farms" where people feel obligated to play differently to earn the most strand. Right now just playing normally gets you the most possible strand you can get.

Then why even have it? It's literally just an abstracted 'time played' counter at that point.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 15:53 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The answer that is to avoid "farms" where people feel obligated to play differently to earn the most strand. Right now just playing normally gets you the most possible strand you can get.

Then why even have it? It's literally just an abstracted 'time played' counter at that point.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 16:45 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The answer that is to avoid "farms" where people feel obligated to play differently to earn the most strand. Right now just playing normally gets you the most possible strand you can get.

Then why even have it? It's literally just an abstracted 'time played' counter at that point.

Do you REALLY need that question answered?

Because if you want more, you play more. That's good for the company. If you don't care about the product (or the feature that the product affects), you can skip the extra playing and simply not earn it. That way, Bungie can say "we're not forcing anyone to do anything - we're just giving people an incentive to play more."

That's hard to argue against (from the perspective of legality).

Did you really not consider that? Or were you just asking to stir up Cheapley?


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 16:58 (1399 days ago) @ Claude Errera
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 17:04

Maybe there point wasn’t clear.

If you want more and get more by playing more, it’s functionally the same as if the ornaments were priced in time. If you earn one synth thingy per 2 minutes, then it’s not really any different if you were just given the ornament after playing for X minutes. They are just abstracting the system in which the real currency is your time.

Not that grinding or farming is good either, but at least time is not the only factor. In fact, you can CUT the time requirement through your skill and game knowledge.

...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 17:06 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Maybe there point wasn’t clear.

If you want more and get more by playing more, it’s functionally the same as if the ornaments were priced in time. If you earn one synth thingy per 2 minutes, then it’s not really any different if you were just given the ornament after playing for X minutes. They are just abstracting the system in which the real currency is your time.


Letting people know "It will take about 7 hours to earn a piece of armor" will keep a lot of people from even starting.

Telling people "It will cost 150 Synthstrand to buy a bounty to earn enough Synthweave for a piece of armor" sounds far more reasonable. It doesn't matter that someone did the math, and that we're talkign about it now - next week, it won't be in anyone's face any more. And 150 Synthstrand... pfft, that's easy, I just ran a strike and earned 20! This is a piece of cake.

Are you asking "why is Bungie using the same techniques that advertisers have been using for centuries?"

Because the answer to that is "they work."


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 18:55 (1399 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Maybe there point wasn’t clear.

If you want more and get more by playing more, it’s functionally the same as if the ornaments were priced in time. If you earn one synth thingy per 2 minutes, then it’s not really any different if you were just given the ornament after playing for X minutes. They are just abstracting the system in which the real currency is your time.


Letting people know "It will take about 7 hours to earn a piece of armor" will keep a lot of people from even starting.

Telling people "It will cost 150 Synthstrand to buy a bounty to earn enough Synthweave for a piece of armor" sounds far more reasonable.

Yes… this is my point. You are 100% correct. So they are dressing up something that they KNOW people would otherwise not like, rather than changing it to something they would that would require no subterfuge.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 17:40 (1399 days ago) @ Claude Errera

The answer that is to avoid "farms" where people feel obligated to play differently to earn the most strand. Right now just playing normally gets you the most possible strand you can get.

Then why even have it? It's literally just an abstracted 'time played' counter at that point.

Do you REALLY need that question answered?

Because if you want more, you play more. That's good for the company. If you don't care about the product (or the feature that the product affects), you can skip the extra playing and simply not earn it. That way, Bungie can say "we're not forcing anyone to do anything - we're just giving people an incentive to play more."

That's hard to argue against (from the perspective of legality).

Did you really not consider that? Or were you just asking to stir up Cheapley?

If it wasn’t for the real money aspect, I actually think it would be a good system. The timer is smart, for the reasons squid said. There is no optimal way to play, you just play. They should look into that for leveling up.

But c’mon, do they really have to monetize fucking everything? They already sell universal ornaments. Now they are going to sell me the ability to use sets I already have?

I’m not against microtransactions. I’ve bought plenty of eververse stuff, I’ve bought stuff in Warframe and Apex Legends. But this transmog system feels really egregious and it sucks. Especially since they were literally out there talking about making it a system that felt good. What happened to that?


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by squidnh3, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 17:46 (1399 days ago) @ cheapLEY

But c’mon, do they really have to monetize fucking everything? They already sell universal ornaments. Now they are going to sell me the ability to use sets I already have?

I’m not against microtransactions. I’ve bought plenty of eververse stuff, I’ve bought stuff in Warframe and Apex Legends. But this transmog system feels really egregious and it sucks. Especially since they were literally out there talking about making it a system that felt good. What happened to that?

I think it's becoming pretty clear that whatever they are doing over there at Bungie HQ, it costs a heck of a lot. I think they'd be better off acknowledging that and communicating in a way that would seem less disingenuous, but maybe that's too far outside the box.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 18:57 (1399 days ago) @ squidnh3
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 19:01

I think it's becoming pretty clear that whatever they are doing over there at Bungie HQ, it costs a heck of a lot

And yet, the game went free to play. Why don't they just, you know, charge for the game and make money that way? Weird concept, I know.

Even WITH all the refunds, CDPR made an absolute assload of money with Cyberpunk 2077. It can be done clearly.


...reckon I'm a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 19:46 (1399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Calling Destiny free to play is massively stretching the truth. What can you do without paying? Crucible, Gambit, Strikes, and Patrol. You can’t do any campaigns, you can’t do any seasonal activities or missions or earn those exotics or gear. I’m sure there are people out there doing it and having a good time, but it is a very bare bones experience without spending money.


It's effectively a demo, and a damn good one at that

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, May 14, 2021, 06:59 (1399 days ago) @ cheapLEY

- No text -


You’re not a jerk.

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 11:05 (1401 days ago) @ ManKitten

Bungie’s the jerk. The whole system is greedy dogshit.



by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:22 (1400 days ago) @ ManKitten

Yes. This system is, as cheapLEY eloquently put it, greedy dogshit.

It's apparent that the game play designers had to put their time into making it as hard as possible to farm this content (instead of put that time into, say, the "quality" experiences afforded in PvP or Gambit). Yet, it does not appear to be bothering me as much as it is for many others. The first "10" are free for each may be part of the reason for this, as I was able to get some VERY BIG items (but not all) out of the way that I wanted to do right off the bat. More than that, I find that by and large right now my focus is on other things, and as I'm playing I'm generating the "synthstuff" needed to whatever the whodahda. I've already apparently generated 1 additional "armor synthesis" option for my Warlock, and I don't even recall why. It really is some convoluted nonsense, as if that was really needed in anymore abundance.

That 10 limit per season can go sod off though. I agree with the chatter among the community that those with the Season pass should have a higher limit, should there even be a limit at all.


Am I missing something?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, May 14, 2021, 09:21 (1399 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Isn't transmog about cosmetics?

I reached a threshold long ago with Destiny where my eyes glaze over when things get too complicated. I'll try for the exotics I think I might need/sometimes want, but when I hear "play seven hours for a piece of armor," I know I'm already not going to go for that stuff. I simply don't play enough.

I've enjoyed the paper doll aspect of Destiny less as the years have rolled on (I do love the DSC armor). What was practical weighed more heavily, and I stopped caring what I looked like. Tranmog could have changed that, but as is, nothing has changed for me. I don't see more than my gloves 95% of the time, and could anyone who plays regularly with me recognize me in the Tower. I think not. Would I recognize anyone else? No. I used to play with shaders some, but I guess that's no longer just a funsie thing. Oh well.

It's funny that the last Bungie game where I felt my armor with integral to my character was when I imagined myself a special agent fighting insurgents on an ice planet.


Many fewer options then. And man, did I have fun. When the fun stops, I will stop playing.


My $0.02

by Robot Chickens, Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:02 (1398 days ago) @ ManKitten

I like looking a particular way. I don't really want to change how I look very often. I'm mostly annoyed when I have to look stupid when leveling because I can't look the way I like. Personally, I was able to solve this problem with zero effort (okay I had to land on Europa and listen to Ada talk way too emotionally about finding a new raison d'etre).

My Titan looks like a titan (a la D1). My Warlock has a few really cool robes and helmets (Previous ornaments work for all other slots). My hunter functionally has two looks (an outlander rogue and a formal ceremonial outfit). I don't anticipate needing to chase things forever to unlock a deeper wardrobe.

I'm willing to bet that the majority of players are going to fit my experience.

I know, I know. It's a problem they manufactured. Bungie could have just made it all unlocked from the get-go. They are actively encouraging people to spend more time playing the game. The convoluted unlocking of materials is super-dumb. These are things that I would love to not be there. But... They probably are going to be losing money from seasonal ornaments as a result of this and it they're probably looking to supplement the loss from that.

On the other hand, I look the way I like (with zero effort), and I will easily get more options down the line (most of which I'll never need) just by playing. Eh. My experience is pretty different from what I was expecting when they initially announced the great material hunting hamster wheel of doom.

None of my experience discounts anyone else's and I'm not saying that it's not a problem because it doesn't impact me. My experience just feels a bit out of pace with the reactions I'm seeing online.


This is where I am at too

by breitzen @, Kansas, Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:51 (1398 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

- No text -


DItto ditto

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Friday, May 14, 2021, 17:15 (1398 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

For my play style, transmog is not an issue. I'm somewhat happy with the appearance of my hunter. Not D1 happy, but....it's the best I've looked in D2.

On another note, the catalyst quest for this ice pistol. Good grief. It's obviously a PvE weapon but you have to kill guardians in the crucible. The gun sucks in crucible. SUCKS. And I hate crucible, yet I've still killed 100 guardians with it. Somehow. Ugh. sucks.


DItto ditto

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, May 14, 2021, 18:26 (1398 days ago) @ ManKitten

The gun sucks in crucible. SUCKS.

Uh, no it doesn't... I mean, it's still a sidearm, but jesus christ in a wheelbarrow, does it pack a punch within range. Freezing people on command isn't too shabby either.

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