
A game of trees (Gaming)
A while ago I remember a story going around about a man whose granddaughter got sick with cancer. She was pretty young, and he gave up everything he had to make sure she got better. He quit his job to care for her, and spent all of his retirement savings on treatments. She beat it, and she was able to make a recovery.
The media ran stories about him. The stories focused on the selflessness of his decision, and his dedication and love. Look how far he was willing to go. The guy was a hero. The intention behind these stories was good, and I believe everyone who ran the stories truly wanted to spread and celebrate his heroism.
But step back. What was really happening here? Was this a story of heroism? Or one of tragedy? It never occurred to ask why this man even needed to make those choices in the first place. He spent his entire life savings on his granddaughter's treatment. But what if he lived in Japan? He wouldn't have had to. Australia? German? Norway? France? South Africa?
So stepping back, we see the forrest. We see well intentioned people ostensibly reporting a story of love and heroism, but are in actuality normalizing the cruel for profit healthcare system in this country. They are making you feel good about the prospect of this guy losing everything. And you will think: if that were my kid I'd do that too. This type of sacrifice, which should be wholly unnecessary, is held up as the pinnacle of good and altruism.
Was the guy a hero? I think so. But what does that mean in the larger scheme of things?
I think we should be able to makes games about whatever subjects we want. I actually hope this game isn't canceled again. However, it disappoints me to hear Peter Tamte say they have no interest in the larger picture here. In actuality, everything is political, including trying to say you're not being political. I am sure they will succeed at their goal. I am sure we will be able to play and experience the stories of the men and women they are choosing to highlight in the game. The stories may be inspirational and affecting.
But it will be a game of trees.
Complete thread:
- Highwire now making Six Days in Fallujah -
2021-02-11, 10:20
- Highwire now making Six Days in Fallujah - Kermit, 2021-02-11, 13:05
- Realistic -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-11, 13:08
- Realistic -
2021-02-11, 13:24
- yeahhhhh, about that -
2021-02-11, 14:14
- Pretty good read. :(
- Claude Errera, 2021-02-11, 15:41
- On a more positive note... -
2021-02-11, 16:24
- I hope they're right -
2021-02-12, 03:44
- I hope they're right -
2021-02-12, 05:52
- exactly
- kidtsunami, 2021-02-12, 06:08
- I hope they're right - Cody Miller, 2021-02-12, 11:31
- I hope they're right - Cody Miller, 2021-02-12, 11:55
- exactly
- I hope they're right -
2021-02-12, 05:52
- I hope they're right -
2021-02-12, 03:44
- Pretty good read. :(
- Realistic -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-12, 14:20
- Realistic - Kermit, 2021-02-15, 13:33
- Great comment -
2021-02-15, 16:36
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:24
- Great comment -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:30
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:33
- Great comment -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:33
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:36
- Great comment -
2021-02-16, 12:59
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 06:28
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 06:47
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-17, 08:05
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 09:11
- Great comment - Cody Miller, 2021-02-17, 10:25
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 09:11
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-17, 08:05
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 06:47
- Great comment -
2021-02-17, 06:28
- Great comment -
2021-02-16, 12:59
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:36
- Great comment -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:33
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:33
- Great comment -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:30
- Great comment -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:24
- yeahhhhh, about that -
2021-02-11, 14:14
- Realistic -
2021-02-11, 13:24
- Highwire now making Six Days in Fallujah - FyreWulff, 2021-02-11, 23:08
- Yeah, absolutely not. -
2021-02-15, 15:55
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 16:49
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 16:59
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 17:11
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 17:23
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 18:15
- A game of trees - Cody Miller, 2021-02-15, 21:46
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 18:15
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 17:23
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 17:11
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 19:07
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 22:18
- A game of trees -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 11:47
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 12:45
- A game of trees -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:53
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 13:19
- A game of trees - Claude Errera, 2021-02-16, 13:39
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 13:19
- A game of trees -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 12:53
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 12:45
- A game of trees -
Claude Errera,
2021-02-16, 11:47
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 22:18
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 08:56
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 09:55
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 11:30
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:09
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 13:47
- A game of trees - Cody Miller, 2021-02-16, 14:07
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 13:47
- A game of trees -
2021-02-19, 13:38
- A game of trees - Kermit, 2021-02-22, 14:51
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:09
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 11:30
- A game of trees -
2021-02-16, 13:34
- Twitter account apparently gone
- Kermit, 2021-02-17, 14:25
- Twitter account apparently gone - Cody Miller, 2021-02-17, 15:16
- Twitter account apparently gone
- +1000 -
2021-02-17, 17:46
- +1000 -
2021-02-17, 18:39
- +1000 -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-17, 19:02
- +1000 -
2021-02-18, 07:54
- +1000 -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-18, 09:00
- +1000 - Kermit, 2021-02-18, 11:26
- +1000 -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-18, 09:00
- +1000 -
2021-02-18, 07:54
- +1000 - CruelLEGACEY, 2021-02-18, 08:06
- +1000 -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-17, 19:02
- +1000 -
2021-02-17, 18:39
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 09:55
- A game of trees -
2021-02-15, 16:59
- *Large Sigh* -
2021-02-15, 20:39
- *Large Sigh* -
2021-02-15, 20:46
- *Large Sigh* - INSANEdrive, 2021-02-15, 21:04
- *Large Sigh* -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-16, 12:28
- Ouch - Cody Miller, 2021-02-17, 15:35
- *Large Sigh* -
2021-02-15, 20:46
- A game of trees -
Cody Miller,
2021-02-15, 16:49
- Damage and spin -
Cody Miller,
2021-03-18, 01:01
- Damage and spin -
2021-03-19, 09:47
- Damage and spin - Cody Miller, 2021-03-20, 22:22
- Damage and spin -
2021-03-19, 09:47