
Splitscreen should make a comeback this generation (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 23, 2020, 07:16 (1551 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

The PS5 and Xbox Series X generation SHOULD be the glorious return of splitscreen. Think about it. With 4K the target, a 4 way splitscreen gives each person a 1080p image. Halo and Destiny are both promising 120fps crucible, which means a split screen 30fps lock is guaranteed, and a 60fps lock very likely.

The tech is here for an uncompromised splitscreen experience.

Well, resolution and fps means less to splitscreen than screen size. I have a 55 inch screen that is set on the other side of the room to my couch. If I split that in half then it gets harder to play. And I'm fortunate enough to have a nice TV, not many people probably do.

And people managed with CRTs that were less than 30 inches. The experience you describe is even better than the splitscreen of old days.

As far as UI, it can be figured out. If it works in a 1080p rendering mode, then just increase the size of everything a little to account for the smaller screen area.

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