Can somone summarize what happened? (Spoilers, maybe?) (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:46 (1572 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I tried to log on via PC fairly late, around 6:50pm PST. After waiting a while, I got in.

I did the special mission, ghost said some stuff, I saw some NPCs looking up, I looked up and saw hazy stuff around the Traveler, the waypoint kept moving, I followed it and eventually got a "quickness" buff, I jumped over some moving water and got to a door and held down 'E' (PC).

Then I got kicked to orbit. Lots of "Trouble Connecting to Destiny" messages and the game was mostly on a black screen.

Later I heard the music change (I had alt+tabbed out) and caught the tail end of an animation that showed the Director, darkness swirled around the destinations that were being taken and then the Traveler got like, a blueish round pattern (?) on it.

After that I was kicked out for good and servers seemed down.

So I scrolled through CheapLeys's twitch feed and I couldn't find where he even got the buff and found the doorway. So I'm curious if other people did that part/if they were able to open the door/etc.

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