I must be missing something with the Bright Dust discussion (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, October 29, 2020, 15:08 (1584 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

As mentioned before, we wanted to change the way you earn Bright Dust and move more towards account-specific paths to give players with only one character significantly more Bright Dust than they've been earning over the last year. Here is the high-level look at the changes coming next Season.

  • Season Pass free path will now offer 7,500 Bright Dust
  • Season Pass owned path will now offer 3,000 Bright Dust
  • Weekly Bounties will now award 100 Bright Dust

With these changes, the vast majority of players will be earning more Bright Dust than before. One of our goals here is to not have a system that pushes you to try to grind out every weekly bounty on all three characters every single week. Whether you are a three-character player or only play a Hunter, Bright Dust will be more available when earning ranks on the Season Pass. We will also be making a change to the timing of Season Pass rank purchases which will be available starting in week five instead of week nine.

Okay, I'm missing something obvious, please help me.

Right now, you have the opportunity, via Weekly Bounties, to earn 3600 Bright Dust/week from the three main vendors (Shaxx, Zavala, Drifter) - 200/bounty * 2 bounties/character * 3 characters. There are other options (right now, for example, another 1200 from Eva, plus potentially infinite amounts, in 10BD increments, for the 3000Glimmer bounties available from lots of people) - but let's stick with the main sources for the purposes of this discussion.

According to the list above, that number drops in half starting in Season 12 (1800/week from the bounties)... but there's an additional 10,500 that will come just from finishing the season pass (if you buy it) or 7500 (if you don't).

That says (to me) that if you buy the season pass, your total amount of bright dust will begin to drop, compared to this season, starting in week 6... or week 4 if you don't buy the pass.

How is this an improvement? What am I missing?

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