
THAB 10.22.20—Weapon Changes (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, October 22, 2020, 16:22 (1591 days ago)

Another meaty update today.

Lots of weapons changes addressed today. 110 Handcannons are now 120 Handcannons. All 150 Handcannons are now 140s, except for Sunshot which will remain 150. Damage drop off changes.

600 Autos are getting a slight damage reduction.

Snipers are getting aim assist changes.

Mountaintop is getting a bunch of changes included reduced velocity, reduced splash damage, less airborne accuracy.

Adept weapons return to Trials along with Adept mods that can only be applied to Adept weapons.

I don’t like the way that last point seems. Adept Mods are just straight up +10 to a weapon stat or may sometimes have a trade off, such as +30 Mag, -20 Handling). The potential for these weapons and mods to just straight up be the best weapons in the game, exclusive to only the top tier players is disheartening.

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