
Dreams (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 19:19 (1591 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

The first dream, a vivid life after death, being immortal, and seeing Anastasia... Well... Ana is immortal, does have amnesia... Not sure about Clovis' enhanced senses, but two out of the three conditions he dreamed about are realized in every Guardian. Oh, and the dream was paracausal? No recordable physical brain activity to have sparked such a dream? Hmmmm. Sounds like perhaps it was a dream from the Traveler? Showing Clovis another way?

The Water and the Wave immediately reminds me of the early history of the Hive. Remember the God Wave that would devastate Fundament? This dream is clearly referencing back to those events. But perhaps in a twisted fashion? That Clovis is staged as the Leviathan seems wrong. The Leviathan of Fundament was a peaceful creature that argued against the three royal sisters becoming monsters. In a sense, the "aphids" of Fundament became the Hive who devastated the galaxy with war. I wonder if Clovis is being manipulated in a similar fashion... if the Darkness is trying to get him to turn Humanity into monstrous version of its former self.

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