
So... Ender's Game *OT* (Off-Topic)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 16:09 (3845 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Man, I understand wanting to preserve the original experience, but you are missing out! When I first read Enders Game I immediately jumped into the sequels and I hated them. They were such a departure from the original, that eleven year old me didn't know what to do with them. But I read them all, and then I reread them, and re-read them.

The Shadow series, I could take or leave, they're good books but not my favorite. However Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind weave such a complete tapestry of Andrew Wiggins adult life that they easily reside at the top of my list of favorite sci-fi. Xenocide alone might be my favorite sci-fi novel, period.

Don't read them if you don't want to, but as a long-time Enders fan know that I absolutely loved the sequels. (Except the recent Ender in Exile, that one was kinda meh)

Like I said to Breitzen above, I may read them someday. I just especially didn't want to right after finishing Ender's Game. It wasn't because the sequels looked bad, it was just because I thought the first was so good, if that makes sense. I think it was one of the most succinct novels I've ever read. I didn't have any more questions to ask of it.

I'd definitely start with Speaker For the Dead, if/when I do, though I also had a friend who loved Ender's Shadow. But I got about a 100 to 10,000 other science fiction classics, plus works from all genres, to get through first. :)

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