
Movement in Titanfall 2 is a thing of beauty (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, July 13, 2020, 08:17 (1685 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by MacAddictXIV, Monday, July 13, 2020, 08:20

I stumbled across this video today, and really enjoyed it. It starts off slow; the player simply walks from point A to B. It shows a player repeatedly travelling across one of the multiplayer maps, but each cut adds another movement mechanic to his travel. So he starts simply walking from point A to B, then ads some simple jumps, then sprinting, then double jumps... before long, he’s chaining wall-running and knee-slides, grenade jumps, grappling hook slingshots and other abilities to virtually fly around the map. He makes it all look so smooth and seamless. It also really drives home the way a great set of strong foundational mechanics can stack on top of each other and create room for mastery in a way that is super rewarding.

I agree and appreciate that stacking of skills and abilities. For me personally though, when I see that kinda of movement and then you add shooting at bad guys it is just not the kinda fast chaos that I want in a game. If you were able to do all those moves and toned the speed down even 30% then I think it would be better for me. Do I think it still takes skill? Hell yeah. I also think mobility in a game is very important. When I played back in the day and I faced off against people like that then all it was was drive by shooting. It felt more like "If I manage to do this cool trick shot you die and there is nothing you can do about it" Super rewarding for the player, but not the one getting shot. It seems like the defense to something like that is to just move just as fast so that it gets infinitely harder to pull something like that off but it's still the same situation.

This is also how I feel about any game that has trick moves that keep increasing your speed. If you keep doing it and do it perfect then you just move faster instead of small movements that put you in places that are unexpected. Unexpected movement in games feel more like playing a game of chess than "Hey, I'm moving so fast that you can't hit me" kinda movement.

Again, more my thoughts and my style of play than anything. This is also why I like Apex way more than Titanfall PvP. I really enjoyed Titanfall campaign though.

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