
Try Ordering a Pizza (Off-Topic)
Oh gawd, I did that once and man, it was just insane. I definitely shouldn’t have done it, especially considering I was in the hospital for my fucking heart, but it was an impulse that was out of control. (If it is any consolation, I ordered spinach and pepperoni) I ordered it late through the app, snuck out of my room and met the delivery guy at the entrance. Then I shamefully indulged myself in the empty cafeteria. I’ve worked off those pounds, and I do regret it to this day, but if nothing else I still smirk at the dirty little secret that I pulled off, without a single soul knowing.
You’re probably out by now, but wait until you get home. It’ll be sweeter then. ;-)
Complete thread:
- FYI Out for surgery -
2020-02-06, 13:50
- FYI Out for surgery -
2020-02-06, 15:54
- FYI Out for surgery - Vortech, 2020-02-06, 19:30
- Good luck! Hope it goes well!
- Claude Errera, 2020-02-06, 16:57
- FYI Out for surgery -
2020-02-07, 06:45
- FYI Out for surgery - CougRon, 2020-02-10, 17:59
- Take care - kidtsunami, 2020-02-07, 06:47
- Good luck!!!
- narcogen, 2020-02-07, 07:27
- All the best, Coug! - Kermit, 2020-02-07, 07:55
- Good luck bud - ChrisTheeCrappy, 2020-02-07, 10:18
- FYI Out for surgery -
Cody Miller,
2020-02-07, 12:46
- FYI Out for surgery - cheapLEY, 2020-02-07, 15:08
- Hope all goes well! :)
- INSANEdrive, 2020-02-07, 13:25
- Update: foot hasn’t come off. Not liking hospital food.
- CougRon, 2020-02-10, 18:08
- Awesome! And yeah, hospital food...
- kidtsunami, 2020-02-11, 07:36
- Try Ordering a Pizza -
2020-02-11, 11:06
- I tried. No go.
- CougRon, 2020-02-12, 01:00
- Try Ordering a Pizza - Morpheus, 2020-02-18, 10:24
- I tried. No go.
- Not liking hospital food is a sign you are getting better.
- INSANEdrive, 2020-02-11, 14:17
- Awesome! And yeah, hospital food...
- FYI Out for surgery -
2020-02-06, 15:54