Is there a DBO discord? (Destiny)
And/or do we want one?
I only ask as I was recently added to a groupchat on PS4 which surprised me (PS4 groups are perfectly fuctional, I just had no idea they even existed as I mostly use Discord)
AFAIK, there are two
One created by Xenos back in the day and a more recent unified BOrg one. Neither are particularly active, though. Let me know if you're interested in an invite link (they expire within a day).
Yes please!
Of course, I'll forget about it until 24 hours and 3 minutes after you send it >_<
Just noticed there's no email in your profile
Hit me up on Discord.
Just noticed there's no email in your profile
Strange, I'm sure there used to be.
Done! Alasdair Balthe, by the way. Didnt see an "add message" option but that me.