
Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 16:30 (1964 days ago)

Bungie said that Iron Banner is currently just the new maps as a sort of showcase. More maps will be added on Thursday.

I’m actually sort of disappointed for some reason (even though I complained about getting Widow’s Court four times in a row). I think it’d be neat to give every Iron Banner a different feel by using different maps.


Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday.

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 17:37 (1964 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Bungie said that Iron Banner is currently just the new maps as a sort of showcase. More maps will be added on Thursday.

I’m actually sort of disappointed for some reason (even though I complained about getting Widow’s Court four times in a row). I think it’d be neat to give every Iron Banner a different feel by using different maps.

I’m on the opposite side. I played 12 matches on Widows Court last night. At this point, if I never see Widow’s Court or Twilight Gap ever again, it’ll be too soon. IMO, this is a mistake that Bungie makes quite frequently with Destiny; they’ll add something cool (new maps... yaaaaaay!) and immediately find a way to grind them into the ground with overexposure or needless repetition.

Now, had I known in advance that more maps would have been added to the rotation, I wouldn’t have spent all that time in IB when I did. But there was no such communication from Bungie (that I’m aware of), and I had some time overnight while I was on baby duty, so I figured I’d dig in and get the IB quest out of the way (I really like the Titan armour, so I wanted to get that at least).

No big loss, obviously. And I’m glad more maps will be added this week... might jump in and do the quest with my Warlock too. It would just be nice to have stuff like this communicated in the future, if Bungie is going to try stuff like this with limited-time events.


Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday.

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 20:20 (1964 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I don't want to make bad assumptions, but . . .

I half assume that adding maps on Thursday is just Bungie reacting to people being angry about playing only the three new maps, so they're scrambling to fix the rotation and spinning it as something that was always planned. I would expect something like this to have been mentioned in last week's THAB if it was planned.

I see why people don't like it, but I sort of enjoy it. We've all been playing D2 long enough that we know all the maps, I suppose, but there's something I like about getting intimate with a smaller rotation of maps over a week long event. It's sort of like D1 Trials with one map for a whole weekend.

I'll play only these three maps forever if I don't have to play either of the Titan maps ever again.


Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 21:46 (1964 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I don't want to make bad assumptions, but . . .

I believe you are 100% straight up wrong in your assumption. For reasons.


Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday.

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, October 17, 2019, 08:03 (1963 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I hate to attribute to malice would can easily be explained by incompetence. I also hate to believe that Bungie is actually as incompetent as they appear to be at nearly every turn when it comes to stuff like this.

It is so incredibly obvious that they should have communicated this decision before the event, instead of leaving everyone wondering what the fuck was broken for two days. It feels totally in keeping with modern Bungie that they would try to cover for something that was actually broken by way of claiming it was totally intentional (0.04% anyone?).

I love this company and this game. I just wish they would get their shit together. For a company that has to reiterate how important communication is to their community every other week, they sure are still really bad at it.


Iron Banner will get more maps on Thursday.

by Harmanimus @, Thursday, October 17, 2019, 00:53 (1964 days ago) @ cheapLEY

There is the added benefit that Widow’s Court and Twilight Gap (and likely whatever the new map is named) were designed with 6v6 in mind. They play very differently than most of the D2 maps. And honestly my favorite maps prior to Shadowkeep were D1 remakes anyway.

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