
10DST (Gaming)
ODST was the first Halo game I beat in one sitting.
I was in my first year of post-secondary education, trying to learn how to use Maya 2008, in the hopes that I might make it into the video games industry as a 3D animator or modeler.
The only place in the remote beach town the school was located in that sold Video Games was The Warehouse™, the New Zealand regional equivalent to Wal-mart. I went directly there and picked up my copy as soon as class ended.
The next thing I know, it’s 2 AM, and credits are scrolling across the 19-inch LCD monitor in my dorm room. I don’t remember if I regretted staying up so late the following morning, but it ended up not mattering- I dropped out of the course after the first year, switched to learning programming at a school in the middle of downtown Auckland, and made my way into the industry using those skills instead.
I can’t believe that was already 10 years ago.
I plan to be playing ODST a lot this weekend, starting Friday at 4PM Pacific. If anyone wants to join in, please do!