
Confirmation on Solstice gear (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 08:00 (1937 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

Once you have the purple set, you don't need to masterwork them before Solstice is done right? I can save them and masterwork them 4 months from now? I know I should do 1 for the Triumph, but other than that, go onto the next set right?

According to what Bungie has said, that is correct. Note that you'll likely masterwork some of your first set while working on your second and third (10 powerful enemies, season 7 valor reset, and strikes with clan members). You might want to wait on the 2-person shattered throne and 200k nightfall until you have all three sets, so you only have to do those once.

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