
I had a very productive meeting with Shaxx yesterday (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 11:42 (1959 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Thanks for talking up Luna’s Howl last night.

I got it a week before they changed it to 150, but I never took it into Crucible. I bought into the “they killed it!” narrative and sort of wrote it off, especially given how good The Recluse is.

You talking about it made me switch to using it Iron Banner last night, and damn, it’s still a great hand cannon. I did extremely well with it and I love the way it feels. I actually think 150 RPM is just a better feeling tempo than 180, but the recoil animations are too excessive, and Luna’s fixes that problem. It feels great!

Maybe I just lucked out by not getting it pre-nerf. To be honest, I never understood the hate for that one. I definitely got killed by it, but it didn't ever seem unfair when it happened and it didn't seem to happen any more often than with other weapons. My first impression when using it was just, "Wow! This is a really solid hand cannon that feels great in a fight!" Unlike the Recluse where my first reaction was, "Holy shit! I should not have been able to kill that guy that fast at that range!"

Regarding Mountaintop—I think I’m going to pull out a Fighting Lion and start working on it, so feel free to join me.

I'm down! My K/D dropped dramatically yesterday when I started trying to get GL kills, but we don't necessarily need to win games to rack up kills, right? :p


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