
Introduction to Warframe (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, July 08, 2019, 13:13 (2056 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

A decent mission structure would help that game a lot, when it comes to story. There’s like six mission types (kill everyone, steal data, capture someone, free someone, mine something, survive, etc). They are fun. But then the story missions (from what I’ve seen) are just those missions again with some dialogue, and what you’re actually doing doesn’t seem connected to the story you’re supposed to be getting.

Playing actual bespoke missions for the story and not just redoing the same nodes you’ve already done with some extra dialogue would go a long way.

I like Warframe. I started playing again yesterday. It’s fun. But it basically feels like all I’m doing right now is “unlock every node on this massive map by doing these six mission types over and over again, then maybe we’ll show you some cool shit.”

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